Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity!
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In the year 1905, a patent clerk published his science paper which changed the science and perspective of the whole world. He elegantly explained how space and time are interrelated and gave us amazing insights about moving at the speed of light. It introduced us to the cosmic limit of speed of an object. What happens if we travel at the speed of light?
The theory of special relativity explains how space and time are linked for the objects moving at a constant velocity. This ‘constant velocity’ is also the main difference between special and general relativity. When we talk about special relativity we take into account the objects moving with constant velocity, for example, a car moving on a straight road with a constant velocity; whereas in general relativity we talk about motion which is not constant velocity motion. Motion in which the observer could be speeding up or slowing down or going around a bed, which we call the accelerated motion and also known as generalised motion(like, motion of planets or any other general motion). The move from constant velocity motion to accelerated motion, it turns out, brings in an understanding of force of gravity. Einstein realised that by including generalised motion that would include accelerated motion; he could get an understanding of the force of gravity in terms of warps and curves. We already discussed about general relativity in one of our video and you can go and learn more about it.
Now lets talk about some very important corollaries of special relativity. One of the most famous equation in physics comes from special relativity. The equation—E=m means—“Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared”. It shows that energy and mass are interchangeable: they are different forms of the same thing. If mass is somehow converted into energy, it shows how much energy would reside inside that mass: quiet a lot (This equation is one of the demonstration for why an atomic bomb is so powerful, once its mass is converted into energy or explosion). This equation also shows that mass increases with speed, which effectively put a speed limit on how fast things can move in the universe.Simply we can say that the speed of light(c) is the fastest velocity at which any object can travel. As an object moves, its mass also increases. Near the speed of light, the mass is so high that it reaches infinity, and would require infinite energy to move it(as we have discussed earlier), thus capping how fast an object can move. You all might think that how light travels at that speed? The only reason why light speed moves at this speed is because it consists of photons, which have a rest mass of zero! As an object approaches speed of light, its mass becomes infinite and also the body contracts in the direction of motion. This cosmic speed limit has been a subject of much discussion in physics, and also in science fiction, as people think how to travel through vast distances.
In fact, Einstein realized that the answer is both: space “contracts” and time “dilates”(or slows). Why? If I am sitting in my room on my study table, you would say that I am not moving but in fact, I am moving just not through space but time. Time and space are interchangeable or we can say they are two sides of a coin. So when we move through space, some of the motion can be thought of as being “diverted” into motion through time( and vice-versa), in much the same way as a car travelling north-west diverts some of its northwards motion towards west. Space and time are interrelated somewhat like x and y-axis as shown in figure (Below), the only difference is; that we cannot move ‘only’ through space(we move through time also), we always move through time, when we are at rest we move only through time but when we move through space also, some of our motion through time is diverted towards space and so the time is less that it should be or we can say time is “dilated”.
Thus, the dimension of space and time effect each other, and both space and time are thus relative concepts . This revolutionary idea also helps in better understanding of simultaneity but we will come to that later.
So before we explore and understand the theory of special relativity don’t forget to like the video and subscribe to the channel so that we bring you more amazing science theories and videos.
The concept of time dilation is one of the most fascinating ideas in physics. A Strange conclusion from Einstein’s work is that time moves relative to the observer.
credits: bagogames (cc by 2.0)
credits: Txalien
Credits: Nasa
Video Chapters:
00:00 Introduction
00:22 The Concept of Relativity
02:15 Time Dilation
05:47 Mass-Energy Equivalence
08:35 Implications and Applications
#InsaneCuriosity #Einstein'sTheoryOfSpecialRelativity #einstein
In the year 1905, a patent clerk published his science paper which changed the science and perspective of the whole world. He elegantly explained how space and time are interrelated and gave us amazing insights about moving at the speed of light. It introduced us to the cosmic limit of speed of an object. What happens if we travel at the speed of light?
The theory of special relativity explains how space and time are linked for the objects moving at a constant velocity. This ‘constant velocity’ is also the main difference between special and general relativity. When we talk about special relativity we take into account the objects moving with constant velocity, for example, a car moving on a straight road with a constant velocity; whereas in general relativity we talk about motion which is not constant velocity motion. Motion in which the observer could be speeding up or slowing down or going around a bed, which we call the accelerated motion and also known as generalised motion(like, motion of planets or any other general motion). The move from constant velocity motion to accelerated motion, it turns out, brings in an understanding of force of gravity. Einstein realised that by including generalised motion that would include accelerated motion; he could get an understanding of the force of gravity in terms of warps and curves. We already discussed about general relativity in one of our video and you can go and learn more about it.
Now lets talk about some very important corollaries of special relativity. One of the most famous equation in physics comes from special relativity. The equation—E=m means—“Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared”. It shows that energy and mass are interchangeable: they are different forms of the same thing. If mass is somehow converted into energy, it shows how much energy would reside inside that mass: quiet a lot (This equation is one of the demonstration for why an atomic bomb is so powerful, once its mass is converted into energy or explosion). This equation also shows that mass increases with speed, which effectively put a speed limit on how fast things can move in the universe.Simply we can say that the speed of light(c) is the fastest velocity at which any object can travel. As an object moves, its mass also increases. Near the speed of light, the mass is so high that it reaches infinity, and would require infinite energy to move it(as we have discussed earlier), thus capping how fast an object can move. You all might think that how light travels at that speed? The only reason why light speed moves at this speed is because it consists of photons, which have a rest mass of zero! As an object approaches speed of light, its mass becomes infinite and also the body contracts in the direction of motion. This cosmic speed limit has been a subject of much discussion in physics, and also in science fiction, as people think how to travel through vast distances.
In fact, Einstein realized that the answer is both: space “contracts” and time “dilates”(or slows). Why? If I am sitting in my room on my study table, you would say that I am not moving but in fact, I am moving just not through space but time. Time and space are interchangeable or we can say they are two sides of a coin. So when we move through space, some of the motion can be thought of as being “diverted” into motion through time( and vice-versa), in much the same way as a car travelling north-west diverts some of its northwards motion towards west. Space and time are interrelated somewhat like x and y-axis as shown in figure (Below), the only difference is; that we cannot move ‘only’ through space(we move through time also), we always move through time, when we are at rest we move only through time but when we move through space also, some of our motion through time is diverted towards space and so the time is less that it should be or we can say time is “dilated”.
Thus, the dimension of space and time effect each other, and both space and time are thus relative concepts . This revolutionary idea also helps in better understanding of simultaneity but we will come to that later.
So before we explore and understand the theory of special relativity don’t forget to like the video and subscribe to the channel so that we bring you more amazing science theories and videos.
The concept of time dilation is one of the most fascinating ideas in physics. A Strange conclusion from Einstein’s work is that time moves relative to the observer.
credits: bagogames (cc by 2.0)
credits: Txalien
Credits: Nasa
Video Chapters:
00:00 Introduction
00:22 The Concept of Relativity
02:15 Time Dilation
05:47 Mass-Energy Equivalence
08:35 Implications and Applications
#InsaneCuriosity #Einstein'sTheoryOfSpecialRelativity #einstein