Einstein and the Theory of Relativity | HD |

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There's no doubt that the theory of relativity launched Einstein to international stardom, yet few people know that it didn't get indisputable recognition before the 70's. As 2016 will mark the 100th anniversary of its first international publication, we will have an opportunity to meet experts who will testify through never-seen before experiments how the theory still questions our perception of time and space today.

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This documentary was great!
I did not know about the Mathematician calling out his equation that was produced by the guy who die in WWI. I knew Albert hated the singularity but not that he was called out.


48:25 that's a beautiful story about Newton ... it's nice to hear about that side of him


I just love your amazing and thought provoking content....


Excellent! So very clear!! Entertaining too...
I believe this is the first time I actually understand this topic!!!
Thank you so much.


Just had the gnarliest after thanksgiving you know what .


I love this video. Thank you!!. It's very instructive and inspiring!!!


its amazing how everything in science can equate into mathematical equation.


well now I know who Roger Penrose is. I've been interested in his theories (actually more like philosophy) on the so-called Big Bang, which he says is the end of a prior iteration of the universe and beginning of the next; and very neatly explains the presence of the Cosmic Background Radiation (CBR). Goes something like this: the universe expands at an every increasing rate all matter (except black holes) is ripped apart back into light (Electromagnetic Radiation) and the light is broken down into individual [elementary] photons. The expansion of the universe is 3D, causing all thing to diverge over time, so eventually the photon will be so far apart from each other, that the cannot experience space-time, as they can perceive only their own frame of reference; that is there is nothing by which a particle could discern it's velocity, position, energy etc, as far as the particle is concerned it doesn't even exist. At this point in the future history of the universe space-time becomes irrelevant, it still exists, an still expanding at an every increasing rate, but nothing within it can see or experience that expansion. However, super-massive black holes will still exists (moving away from each other at an ever increasing rate) but have no more food (stars etc), so they 'evaporate' [over billions of years from outside the black hole's frame of reference, but miliseconds within], and as the mass of the black hole evaporates, it's mass becaome less, so the rate of evaporation accelerates over time and ends with a 'pop' (as Roger put it), which causes gravity waves to radiate from the pop. The gravity waves radiate away, changing the trajectories of the elementary particles causing some to diverge even further apart, and others to converge, creating bunches and voids [in the pattern of the CBR]. Now that the entities of the universe are in close enough proximity to discern frames of reference, space-time suddenly becomes relevant again and a new universe begins it's journey to oblivion and rebirth. NB: Roger's prediction that information that goes into a black hole is lost was wrong....since his interview in this vid, the information paradox has been solved, the amount of matter that has gone into a black hole can be calculated from the surface area of it's event horizon.


ong🙏hello everyone🌍💫thanks to the genius🧬, thanks to Isaac Newton⭐, thanks to Albert Einstein⭐, thanks to Stephen Hawking⭐, thanks to the scientists🏆, thanks to the teacher🌺, the student🌺have a happy journey in learning, thanks for the YouTube video, take very good care of yourself 🎉


This is an awesome community of viewers. I like reading all the comments. ❤


Fab documentary. Explores the ideas and history of science impeccably


Great documentary which got me appreciating NdGT even more...how he always find ways to easily explain these kind of stuff for us simple minds


calculate free fal in centimeters of free fal. you will get niumber that free fall axceleration is 4 meters per second, i just measured it


That’s a lot of theory, from a lot of smart people yet it still took 49 minutes and 44 seconds to give a brief overlook for such a enormous topic. And all it takes it’s just a few seconds to look up into the night sky at night and be filled with more amazement than what this documentary could give me.


Watching this makes me wonder what happened. Einstein, Hawking and more contemporary scientists like Kipping are asking questions, proposing unique ideas and looking for experiments to test them. Too many today are resting on tenure, untestable theories and intimidation of anyone who challenges the status quo, who threatens the opinions of those who spoke before the data was in based on personal bias. Unless this changes, breakthroughs will become more and more rare.


I believe human telepathy is very possible given enough time to evolve. That's if humans don't destroy themselves. At first, synergy will amplify waves. Then, electronic devices will carry over signals over vast distance. Anything is possible.


27:30 crazy how his worst paper was himself trying to reduce his own theory


5:00 here we can connect the effects of matter on space-time and the acceleration.


Thank you! Einstein’s as the narrator was a daring ploy that worked! I was sorry when it ended and was left wanting to know more about many things. Thank you for putting into context, for me, Prof. Carlo Roselli and his connection to Einstein, Black Holes and space-time and “quantum cosmology”.


2:52 The Newtons Law of gravity proves in the Universe there is a constant involves between two objects regardless of their masses and distances.
