What does the Bible say about the Three Wise Men? | Three Kings / Three Magi

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What does the Bible say about the three wise men, or as some know them as, the three magi, or the three kings. Who were the three wise men, and what do they have to do with the nativity story / Christmas story? In this video, Pastor Nelson with Bible Munch explains the mystery of the magi, revealing the truth about, who were the three wise men according the Bible.

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We were taught that there were three wise men like the trinity. But not everything we were taught is Biblical.


Crazy that they followed the North Star. Which is actually a triple star system. Mindblowned. These guys were either aliens or geniuses ahead of their time


Daniel preached the Gospel to Gentiles long before the Gospel had come 😮


In my crismas program I am the third king


They were Indian rishis. The Bible cryptically calls them kings.. In india, senior rishis are called Maharaj.. Meaning King. King as in, their interior nature, as they are God realized, having witnessed and experienced Gods divinity within them selves.


⥊ God: 3

0: Good (if not good, then not zero)
001: Uniqueness
02: Individuality
03: Idea
04: Body
05: Empathy
06: Assertiveness
07: Ingenuity
08: Integrity
09: Ambition
1: Ethics
2: Problem-Solution
3: Consent/Fix
4: Love/Free
5: Demonstration
6: Why/Who/When/How/Where/What
7: Information/Flow/Code
8: Stability
9: Sanity/Seriousness
10: Network (Good Network, because zero)
11: Justice
12: Time/Easter
13: Death/Triumph
14: Abolitionism
15: The Warrior
16: Control/Awareness
17: The General
18: The Army
19: The Mission
20: Judgement
21: Solving Problems with Ethics
22: Resistance
23: Resilience
30: Liberty
31: Consent
32: Discernment
33: Win-Win/Principle
40: Good Will
44: Free Love
50: Good Force
52: Pragmatism
55: War
57: Counter-Terrorism
60: Good Reason
61: Assertiveness
70: Knowledge
77: Rhetoric
78: Improvement
80: Sustainability
85: Autonomy
86: Severity
87: Delineation
88: Personal Sovereignty
89: Self-Control
90: Wisdom
92: Forensics
93: Only One Global Currency
96: Blockchain
97: Anarchy
98: Veganism
99: Revolution
100: Liberation
111: To Defy
200: Sanctuary
221: Alignment
222: Cooperation
300: To Liberate
333: Abundance
400: Earthlings
444: Direct Digital Democracy
500: Assumption
555: Gathering
600: Purpose
666: Organization
700: Intelligence
777: Specification
778: Development
780: Systematization
788: Structure
800: Providence
870: Sobriety
888: Globalization
899: Conception
900: Institutions
970: Optimination
995: Accountancy
998: Regulation
999: Fiscalization
1000: Militancy
1001: Nova Era

. This is a numeric Matrix for communications purposes.
. This can be used to convey meaning.
Ex.: 6022: Good Reason to Resist.
. Mathematical operators can be used to calculate meaning.
Ex.: To liberate with a good force: 340. 300 + 40 = 340.
. Logical operators to create statements.
Ex.: ¬11: 13. If not Justice then Death.
. Colors can also be used as information.
- You can help build it.


Thank you very much ! I was being troubled on the fact that if astrology is fake didn't the the wise men used astrology to find Jesus ?
I finally understood that they weren't following astrology but God's words !! Thank you again !


Yes, but it's very confusing to me. The babe Jesus was in a house, we must assume, moved from the stable to a house by this time. But that is the question. Joseph was only in Jerusalem to register himself and Mary I suppose. But how long would they have stayed? How soon after His birth was Jesus presented at the Temple? All these events would have happened over a very short time. And before heading back home the wise men must have visited fairly soon after His birth because they found the child still in Bethlehem. Which wasn't where the family was from anyway, even though later when He returns from Egypt, its written to seem like Nazareth was a new place for the family.


0:55 There isn't a mention of a stable either


Saw a video about China the other day. According to their ancient writings, the Chinese emperor had a dream of Jesus crucifixion at the time it happened and then there was a rainbow ring around the sun three days later. Wild huh? Also there was a comet in the sky that lasted for months during the time of his birth. So those are documented ancient writings. So the speaker speculated since the wise men came from the east... maybe they came from the orient. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


I'm a doctor of Chinese Medicine. The Chinese understand these "wise men" to be Chinese doctors. What western people don't know is that the gifts the wise men brought, gold, frankincense and myrrh, were PERFECT gifts to Joseph and Mary. Westerners think frankincense and myrrh were expensive oils or something.. but practically, if that were so, totally useless gifts to a young teenage girl who just gave birth to a baby in a "barn." We use frankincense "ru xiang" herb and myrrh "mo yao" to help injuries and pain due to blood loss including postpartum healing. They reduce pain and generates flesh and promotes healing. These herbs was EXACTLY what Mary would have needed after giving birth. The gold was also money for them to escape Bethlehem due to Herod slaughter baby boys. God always provides exactly what we need! Hallelujah!!


I’ve always thought the three Wise Men were Kings with a lot of power and troops from the east. Modern day Iraq, Iran. What I wonder is if they were kings and had troops - men to protect them why didn’t they help protect Jesus, Mary any Joseph. They could of had soldiers protecting them.


3 Wisemen came from Spain. A holiday about them as 3 Kings Day celebrated on January 6 in most Spanish speaking countries. The punch line is Spanish people are always late to any special occasions. Lol 😆 🤣 😂 😹


I think, they came from India.

Hinduism has books older than Bible.

And knowledge of many different type of incarnations of spiritual entities.

The highest form God takes is called: “Brahman”

Not very far away from: “Abraham”.

May be there were three wise men around in Egypt too to help Israelites to escape slavery.


The bible never said there were 3 wise men.


I very seriously believe garden of eden to five zillion years past present and future alpha to omega dave got the entire story all rong redd robbearrithe serpentier dub six irl 55years in between time itself


I'm white Jacob and Spalding past


Q?... Why were the 3 Wisemen could also be addressed/called as 3 KINGS in their own right?...
Ans: ...because the English word KING does not always necessarily pertains to Royal Blood... it also means the best or the greatest.. for example, if you are the best race driver, you could be called "King of the Road"... King of Comedy... King of Stuntman... King of Pop or Country Songs... or King of the Box Office Movies, etc...
Q?... Why THREE (3) Wisemen/Kings even if the Bible never mentioned how many they were?...
Ans:... because they brought with them 3 Gifts (Gold, Myrrh, and Frankincense) to the infant Christ Jesus... NO Wisemen/Kings would ever travel hundreds of miles to pay homage to a Savior EMPTY handed...logically speaking


The wiseman were Medes, the Kurds now. They came from North of Iraq which is Kurdistan today.
