Could You Survive the Bite of the World's Most Venomous Snake?

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Certain snake bites could be life-threatening and if you get bit by the wrong one you could only have a few short minutes to save your life! Check out today's epic new video to find out what happens if you cross paths with the most venomous snake in the world!


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Sometimes, I wonder how people in Australia are still alive considering nearly all life forms there seem to be deadly.


Inland taipans very rarely, if ever, bite people because they live in the Australian "outback" and rarely come in contact with humans and are quite reclusive.


Boomslangs are rear-fanged; inland taipans have front fangs.


The black mamba, with it’s speed and the amount of venom, that it can inject with one bite is absolutely terrifying!! But very fascinating 🧐


As an Australian, I've never seen a taipan. King brown snakes and red belly black snakes are the ones that usually end up in your backyard/house


Fun Fact: Boomslangs actually have rear fangs. Have a nice day :)


As an Australian person, I think that I am somewhat qualified to say: good video, but some of the facts aren’t quite right. The part where it says how to survive is pretty much right, but the bit about how inland taipans will bite you and then go off to find another victim isn’t right at all. This video fails to tell you that nobody has EVER been killed by an inland taipan because they are terrified of people. If you are going to central australia or any place with snakes, make sure to know exactly how to deal with the wildlife because it might save your life. Stay safe!


What I'm not hearing from yourselves constantly through this video is, if given the chance of fight or flight, the snake will always try to choose flight! It gains nothing injecting humans with venom, so if they show it no interest, it will quietly get away if it can. Yes, Boomslangs & Inland Taipans have extremely potent venom, but are also highly unlikely to use it on something they cannot eat wherever possible.
I wanted to get it out there, as know some people will see this and think snakes are out there preying on them, which is just not true! They are not only amazing to watch, but also to work with.


I love how the snake is all over Australia in the beginning but not in the other places


From what i know, though inland taipan is the most venomous snake on earth, there's no record of being beaten by it or a rare record because it only lives in the most remote area in australia


My dad encountered two-step vipers in Vietnam. They called it two-step vipers because when they bite you, you will take two steps backwards and then die.


Such a rhetorical question...
Without help you wouldnt survive a normal venomous snake.
Let alone a more venomous snake


Surprising that you guys made such an articulate snakes are rear fanged, not front.


If you get bitten just stay completely still, a paramedic told me it travels through the lymphatic system which moves with your arms and legs. Stay still wait for help you can survive all snakes for over 12 hours, if you have to.


I live in Guyana and I've had 2 very close interactions with snakes one time I was outside doing stuff when I was distracted by something then a snake began slowly slithering towards me from behind, if it wasn't for my sister I would have probably got bitten by a very venomous snake the second time I was coming home from school and my older sister was alone with her baby and I saw a massive snake at the front door so I had to take the back door route and we had to lock the doors and just wait inside till my dad came home and that was till like midnight
Edit:what are the chances another snake pulled up on me a few minutes ago 😭


Well the moral of this story is. If your traveling in snake country be very aware of where you step and where a snake can possibly be.


This was very interesting. I'm wondering what the worse spiders do


Ok so everything wrong in this video: the boomslang is rear fanged and the taipan is front fanged not the other way around. Also it is pronounced the same as "crate". Nothing in this video is "poisonous".
It's not a good idea to cut off blood flow they don't do that anymore because you can go into shock once they release it. Antivenin is your only option.
Other than that good video. :) I would have used a fer-de-lance as an example of hemot


It's unlikely the emts would have brought the antivenom with them, most ambulances are not just sitting at the hospital waiting for calls. They are there own entity. Atleast in the US


The most venomous snake would be on Snake Island as the snakes eat each other and breed creating even more deadlier snakes each generation.
