Feel like your workers' comp lawyer isn't helping? This video reviews your options and common issues

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This video reviews dismissing your attorney, or changing attorneys, in workers’ compensation. If you are an injured worker with a California injury, and don’t have an attorney, this video is intended to help provide an overview of workers’ compensation topics so you can better represent yourself.

At times, people feel like their attorney isn’t helping. Often times it is just that the entire workers’ comp system is frustratingly slow. However, at times there can be problems and clients can desire to fire their attorney and proceed without counsel, or fire their current attorney and retain new counsel. This video goes through some common situations that arise and reviews options.

Jeremy Lusk is a certified specialist in workers’ compensation with almost two decades of experience, and previously served as a Judge at the Fresno District Office of the WCAB. He has worked out of Fresno, but appeared at numerous Boards to represent both injured workers and employers/carriers.

No attorney/client relationship is created or implied by this video. This video is not offering legal advice as to what you should, or should not, do in your workers’ compensation case, but rather offers education/information as to the California workers’ compensation system for unrepresented workers so they can better represent themselves and make more informed decisions.

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What frustrates me is that the office doesn’t call back or either say okay this is were we stand at this point and this is what’s going to happen or this is what that means. If a client is calling is because we need answers! I usually get all my information/ answers from here. I love this channel and how thorough this attorney explains everything thank you very much.


It’s been 5 years since I was injured apparently they finally offered to settle. But after my attorney takes his cut I’ll end up with 40k that’s like 8k a year that seems seriously low. Mind you I wasn’t at fault at all whatsoever for my neck injury. Car ran into the back of my work truck while I was on break in the passenger seat.


What a Great video thank you so much .


Communication is the biggest problem not clear not open with me


If my attorney is not responding to my phone calls can I fire him


For the love of GAWD give me a number to


Thank you for the video, I did fire my attorney find out he was working with the other attorney. Continued to go at this on my own. Listening to your videos I've increased my settlement. Upon coming the mediation the old attorney called to represent me again (since now I've had an increase) the settlement for him was signed off on (with the old amount). Now since I've worked my tail off for an increase now he wants a portion of the new amount. I informed him I could file a lawsuit against him. He backed off. Thanks again for the videos.


Si quiere perderlo todo, contrate a Rick DeMedeiros y su firma, él lo derivará a compañías de préstamos mientras espera su liquidación o beneficios semanales que manipula porque trabaja en ambos lados y al final de la liquidación tiene unas vacaciones reservadas. y planea huir con el dinero de su liquidación que ya ha desembolsado este hombre es muy deshonesto y poco confiable no tiene compasión por sus clientes es todo para sí mismo.


My lawyer is asking me to find a new doctor for a second opinion after my back surgery. Isnt that attorneys job?


I’ve only done conferences over the phone never with a judge in person


My attorney told me just go and get treated and build the case and he will handle the rest 😊


My attorney in Georgia did absolutely nothing to help me… So I am going to file a complaint with the Georgia bar association… It may not get me any money but by God I hope he has to do some paperwork


Why is it so hard to find a good WC attorney? It was so hard to find one in my area. Even though the judge ruled in my favor. I was never able to even get my PT as the jobs insurance company denied it even though the judgment went in my favor. I am so frustrated and had so much debt I ended up trying to settle for a lesser limb injury because in my state they only allow disability for head and neck injuries in which case you would have to fight for 6 years ongoing for weekly benefits. I am so frustrated with my attorney as she lies and never produces the paperwork in a timely manner. Just 30 mins prior to a hearing she was asking me to produce paperwork that I turned in 3 years ago at the beginning of the case. Now I fear I may not get any settlement because I had to opt out for a lessor injury and their mmi doc gave me 0%. I can’t sleep and I am wishing I would have tried to find another attorney but my research told me what you are that attorneys see you as a red flag 🚩 if you are seeking a new attorney. Also when i tried to find another attorney all the reviews indicate these other attorneys don’t have stellar reviews either. Are there any legitimate WC attorneys out there? How can I find a reputable one?


Any advice if your lawyer isn't responding to your emails or voice mails? I have left a few emails and voice messages and have not had them responded to well over a month. Oddly, enough my adjuster keeps contacting me about forms that are required to be filled and sent out such as QME'S and medical release forms, my lawyer has told me that these things should be done from their my attorney's office. Also, their office told me to tell them if I was to leave the country for more than two weeks I should notify them, and I have via emails and voice messages. I call my attorney a few minutes after their offices open and it seems like they are avoiding me, how do I deal with an adjuster who seemingly seems like he's unaware that I have an attorney and I feel anxious about my trip because my attorney does not reply. - I'm in Southern California.


I was physically and verbally abused because I didn't work fast and had to use the bathroom


I was curious is my attorney is obligated to notify me of claims which lead to benefits I'm potential eligible for? such as 132 a claim, or serious and willful misconduct?


What if the first attorney was not doing nothing missing deadlines not counseling me at All not filing motions he allowed my Benefits to stop with no type notice at All can U contest this or have a objection or inquiry and thank U very much your videos are the best and very informative


I just got my attorney last Tuesday or Wednesday and text them on Friday to ask if I should apply to disability and if they contacted my employer yet because I need income and it’s Tuesday now, are they probably just too busy? I don’t like bugging so I haven’t called or text after


How about a year after winning my case with the judge stating that the WC insurance has to repay me for medical bills already paid and supposed to send me for treatment. The ONLY treatment place in the US does not take WC insurance. Don’t they have to do the same thing the regular insurance companies have to do ……if there is only one place for treatment the Insurance company is required to provide coverage for treatment. I don’t understand how WC insurance can just ignore a judgment. It has been a year since receiving a judgment in my favor. Surely there have been other people in my kind of situation, who Worker’s Comp. insurance companies have had to make special arrangements for treatment.


So I've been put on work restrictions and the company I worked for couldn't accommodate me. But I can't talk to the adjuster bc I got an attorney but problem is it's been three weeks and haven't been paid talked to the attorney and all he said was ask my doctor to put me on temporary disability and I email my attorney letting him know the company couldn't accommodate me and to let the insurance know to pay me since I'm out of work no reply and trying to figure out what the process is
