Sleep Can Repair Your Brain, But Only If You’re Doing It Right

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Sleep studies have found that quality, not quantity of sleep determines how rested you are. But what is quality sleep and how do we get it?

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New insights into how sleep helps the brain to reorganise itself
“A study has given new insights into how sleep contributes to brain plasticity – the ability for our brain to change and reorganise itself – and could pave the way for new ways to help people with learning and memory disorders.”

Snooze Alarm: Sufficient Sleep Improves Human Health and Longevity
“No one likes being tired. You’re less motivated, you’re more irritable, and it’s harder to concentrate. We know getting sleep is important, but until recently, we didn’t understand just how dangerous it is to not get enough. According to some sleep scientists, getting less than 7 hours of sleep per night could mean shortening your life.”

Jellyfish Sleep, and Now Scientists Wonder If Plants and Bacteria Sleep Too
“Despite the fact that jellyfish lack a centralized nervous system, new research provides strong evidence that these soft-bodied marine organisms sleep. The findings, published in the journal Current Biology, have scientists reevaluating what sleep is and what it does.”

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Special thanks to Amy Shira Teitel for hosting and writing this episode of Seeker!
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I thank school for not letting me sleep enough.

Sincerely, school should start much later to avoid undersleep and depression in kids


The title of this video reminds me of what my girlfriend recently said, "We can sleep together, but only if you're doing it right."


I'm watching this at 2:30 AM.

Am I doing it right?


I haven't been sleeping well for many years. Mostly due to past addiction to gaming, which now has given me irregular periods of anxiety that can keep me awake for hours. Last week, I slept on average for about 4 hours per day and it has really affected my ability to focus in class and retain memory of new of things or recall information from the past. Over the years, I have noticed how my brain's ability to process and store information has gotten worse and I wasn't really doing anything to change that.
After watching this video, I'm going to take better care of my sleep schedule since Alzheimer's, for me, is the scariest disease, which a person can develop through carelessness.


It's 3:03am from where I am and I'm watching this.


I can never sleep because I'm always thinking about stuff


Please do a video about narcolepsy and its effects, I've ben looking for one but I can't seem to find anything good on YouTube...


Amy! Instant like! With all due respect to Julian and


She looks similar to an actress of the movie FIFTY SHADES OF GREY


Great video Amy. Thank you for putting this out. This isn't the first I've heard of this, but I started to realize the difference in mood throughout the day depending on how much I sleep get. (headaches/migraines, irritability, anxiety)

I used to fall asleep sitting up with the tv on (something about that blue light put me to ease). I didn't think anything of it because I sometimes enjoyed dreaming about what was being watched, TV show or movie. I would sometimes have dreams about it what was on. Similar thing with music playing in the background, I'd hear it while dreaming.
I think I wasn't giving my brain the break it needed to process everything that took place during the day and was overloading it with a constant of information while sleeping. Probably ruining and affecting some of my memories...At least, that's what it felt like.
Sleeping in complete darkness without any caffeine right before has started to help.

(Yes I heard from many people that I should have been doing that, I didn't care then, I've became aware of what terrible sleep hygiene has been to doing to me.)
I'll take this information seriously. No advice is needed. I had and have access to help. Time start to using it.

Thanks again Amy Shira Teitel for doing this vid!

...totally clicked on that on playlist of sleep videos...first video talks about watching tv to unwind and get ready for bed and how it effects you use those words) you.
😲Fucking awesome!


My main problem is I sleep upside down. Am I doing it right?


From hypersomnia to insomnia !!! || The journey of my life ||


Now ik all my problem are because of sleeping..?


So i can blame all of my life problems to sleep?



I can't even sleep, this video is helpful.


Sleep doesn't just repair my brain, it also repairs my whole body


The waste management system (called the glymphatic system) is a series of tubes that carry fresh fluid into the brain, mix the fresh fluid with the waste-filled fluid that surrounds the brain cells, and then flush the mix out of the brain and into the blood. This occurs primarily during deep sleep.


That quality of sleep is important shouldn't be a surprise. I know it from my own experience as well as speaking with a neurologist and therapist


Its 1:40 in the night and I am watching this video. I am still like one more video.


Sleep is a mind body thing. When sleeping. Your vains open up more, mucles relax, encreasing flow and making easier for your mind and body to get things where they need to be. The only way your body can be in that dee of relaxation is thro sleep
