Every INFJs Favorite Question

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Every INFJs Favorite Question | If theres a stereotypical INFJ trait, it would have to be their desire to question everything around them. With introverted intuition as their dominant function, the introspective infj can't help but to remain curious to the deeper meanings of life and human connection.. and because of that they tend to ask THIS question a lot..

The infjs favorite question is used for more than to just fill their unique INFJ curiosity, but by asking this question the rare INFJ type is able to predict what's to come by following the patterns this specific question leads them to. So.. what is the INFJs favorite question, and WHY do they this infj deep question so often?

#INFJ #INFJpersonalitytype #rarestpersonalitytype


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00:00 - INTRO
01:30 - Number 1: They genuinely want to better the world
02:39 - Number 2: Self improvement
03:49 - Number 3: Relationships and connections
05:10 - Number 4: The INFJ makes people question their rhetorical questions
06:19 - Number 5: To avoid lack of purpose
07:21 - Number 6: They can easily find the answers
08:33 - Number 7: They actually can’t help it
09:41 - Comment Question!


All Audio & Video Production by PSYCH-O

Disclaimer: PSYCH-O is a theory channel. The contents of this video are based on theory research and was NOT created using professional advice. The contents in this video and all of PSYCH-O videos are under United States state law for Fair Use. The video is edited for entertainment and informative purposes.

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My dad used to tell me over and over when I was a little girl. “Why do you ALWAYS ask why? Why this, why that?” But he would always answer all my why’s so lovingly and in a way that he would always amazed me.
He just died of covid a year ago and I miss him so much.


The question WHY opens up doors for new information.and simply just doing as your told keeps you in the bottom .great video thank you.


Biggest question: "Why am I like this?" experienced during mental struggles. That questions anyone's whole life and existence, often first encountered when someone is at their darkest and weakest point. INFJs encounter this when they trigger their devil Si after significant trauma.

The answer was: "Because it was just me being me..." Every rough situation went through, mistakes and blames from people and fate, are all just mere environmental factors. It's "me" that made it turn out the way it is. "Me" or "I" am the only one capable of changing my life.


DEFINITELY!!!! My favorite question is ALWAYS WHY!


Haha just the other day I tried to explain to a loved one that I can't just take certain things at face value because I had to know the "why" behind it. Of course they had a "why" question in response: "why can't you just accept that there doesn't have to be a why?" Big mistake, because I talked their ear off about the importance of asking "why" and how problems would rarely be solved without it.


Why am I so misunderstood, mistreated, and hated for my presence? I had to realize who I am and the passion that comes with it. It makes people do an internal evaluation of themselves, and my presence makes them take an inward review of their character, disingenuous motives, and actions. Life is still hard sometimes because though I'm strong, I am also sensitive. But I enjoy pulling the layers back to myself. I don't compete with anyone but myself. People always apply negative characteristics to INFJ, but they have no idea that we are not thinking about them. 🤪 but striving and competing with ourselves to do better and be better.


Yes stump the professor can provoke disdain unintentionally. And yes we usually find an answer even if it takes 20 years+. 😂. It's just the way we are wired.


I know yall wanna see the good in everybody, but some people really arent.


I love this channel! I have went my whole life wondering why I don't fit in, thinking everyone thinks like I do. It has given me freedom and opened a door for me that I can't believe! I'm not weird after all, or maybe I am but I'm fine with that lol


My first crush was Mr. Spock. All that logic was such a turn on. If the answer to "why?" is illogical, I'm done.


I always found myself asking before "WHY can't I be more normal like other kids and even adults?" "Why can I relate to others but they can't relate to me?" Then I understood when I discovered personality types. My WHY's didn't lessen... it just grew!


Your videos are always 100% SPOT ON. My curious nature and mathematical brain really runs every wakening minute. I always thought everyone was like me, until I discovered I was an INFJ.... it explains everything. WHY... every brain is different and everyone's heart isn't like mine.
Thank you for all your videos.


It was Tuesday July the 24th 2020 when I found out, thankful to realize I wasn't alone, pretty cool, actually it's beyond cool how the pieces finally fit, gah leeee I love psychology, its beyond understanding how 100% the INFJ mbti explains me


What’s interesting to me here is the implication that other types don’t ask why, leading to the question: WHY don’t they ask WHY?


I always want/need to know someone's age first! Then "Boom" come all the other questions! My whole life when asked "why do you ask so many questions?" OR "why are you so nosey?" To which I ALWAYS reply "putting the pieces of the puzzle together!" Finding out that I am an INFJ-T, HSP, empath and Cancer ♋️ has been life changing!
It is a blessing and a curse! 🌷🙏🌻🥰


*WHY ?* is the shortest question, and the best. Behind this : the understanding, the causes and consequences.


Relating to this entire video, and then hearing the same exact question I've sometimes outloud asked to my family "Why do people yawn?" and "..Why are french fries called french fries?", is freaky. And that last bit, I really felt that one. I love these videos


Why do birds suddenly appear, everytime you are near? 🤣


The greatest question: "who Am I?" All the other questions are answered if the "Who am I" is solved.


Thank goodness I grew up without the internet, I swear I might have called Google "Mom" LOL but in all seriousness, the lack of internet up until I was a young adult made it it much easier to somewhat sort through his overload of information on the net and helped me become more objective from my POV which I think makes it subjective from anothers POV which creates a conflict or argument lol.
