6 Questions Every INFJ Needs To Ask Before Door Slamming

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6 Questions Every INFJ Needs To Ask Before Door Slamming | Ahh.. the notorious infj door slam. Including ridiculous amounts of time spent in contemplating, giving second chances and feelings of regret, the infj personality type knows when it's time to cut ties for good.

However, sometimes when tension is high, a simple door slam may seem like the best route. When in reality, the rare infj type may need to reconsider. So, what questions do they need to ask to save themselves from infj door slam regret later down the line?

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00:00 - INTRO
00:50 - Number 1: What do I really need?
02:19 - Number 2: What is my minimum requirement of others
03:49 - Number 3: Did I take significant time and space?
05:41 - Number 4: Did they cross any serious boundaries?
07:20 - Number 5: Are they genuinely sorry?
08:52 - Number 6: Have I reached my limit of chances given?
10:05 - Comment Question!


All Audio & Video Production by PSYCH-O

Disclaimer: PSYCH-O is a theory channel. The contents of this video are based on theory research and was NOT created using professional advice. The contents in this video and all of PSYCH-O videos are under United States state law for Fair Use. The video is edited for entertainment and informative purposes.

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Hey PSYCH-Os!👋
*So, have you ever door slammed and then regretted it?*
Comment down below 👇


All I seek from others, is authenticity & a path of trust, as this is what I am to them. 
‘Never trust anyone, who lets you down twice. The first is a warning, the second is a lesson” - after that, it’s door slam, but not necessarily after the lesson. I am careful who I give my energy to, particularly if they show no signs of introspection.


This video sounds a lot like gaslighting from someone who has received an INFJ door slam.

Don’t second guess yourself. Those who lack the ability to conduct meaningful self introspection and change need time to prove their INability… but once you know, you know. There is no point wasting more time hoping they will gain that ability.

Maybe they will learn that lesson down the road, but it is ALWAYS acceptable AND healthy to slam the door and remove that energy drain (especially if you are their enabler) from your world.✌🏼


Door slamming...it's an INFJ's survival strategy as there are energy suckers who automatically suck out life from the ever adjusting and ever giving INFJs. But great video as we can analyse the situation and not always be in a black and white manner to door slam. Yes, i am guilty of not always making my boundaries clear. Am very thankful of analysing some of my non INFJ friends or relatives who effortlessly set boundaries that I find amazing!! There are things we INFJs can learn from others...and this is one of them!


When I was young, I door slamed out of my feelings and intuitions, usually because of emotional pressure. I sometime did so in a harmfull way to myself we could call a kind of self-sabotage.

Now that I'm older and hopefully wiser..., The doorslammimg behavior is more the result of a very patient analysis of problematic patterns like boundary crossing behaviors. My decision is also much more firm and I follow through without doubts or guilt, knowing I took the time to consider each perspective before making my decision.

But, today, I'm trying to go back to using my intuition as it is quickier than going through a complete analysis... Over time, I have proven to myself my intuition is usually right. Although, this time, I try not to self-sabotage myself when doorslaming and doing so in a more elegant manner...

That said expressing clearly why and how I prefer to end my relationsphip with some people is still very diffucult. I still need a lot if time to gather my thoughts before being able to articulate something intelligible.


If the other person is toxic or does not benefit my life at all….no questions asked or doubts….DOOR SLAM


We are doing door slam since centuries ...
Maybe we handled kingdoms, battles, people, problems... We know what works best for us and others ....

We have door slammed many people this life as they were not worth it its the (-)memory imprinted)


Yeah . . . to slam or not to slam . . . it's always so tough because typically I don't only slam the damn door, I also throw away the bloody key. I'm not proud of it, but sometimes it needs to be done to keep my sanity. As per some other comments, it's a fine balance . . . I believe that 'difficult' people come into our lives because sometimes we can learn so much about ourselves through those people--in such cases, I keep them around until I learned the lesson . . . and then comes the door slam. Hehe, but seriously . . . no need to prolong the pain for no reason. No regrets for the same reason of not prolonging the pain.


Depends how important they are to my life. For close family members I've taken abuse for years even though I am filly capable of slamming that door.

People on the street, if they so much give me a funny look I mentally door slam them forever.


Believe me when we door slam you got a thousand changes


I disagree with #3 and #4. As an INFJ, I give a lot of thought before I door slam. Sometimes, this is to the point of overthinking. This is a known trait of INFJ. So, if that is the case, why would you need to double question yourself? Any thoughts?


Yeah, like it's a conscious choice 🤔
