Top 3 Exercise Myths

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In this video,
Mahalo's fitness expert Torri Shack explains the top three exercise myths.

Exercise Myth #1: You Should Stretch Before Working Out

Stretching before your work could actually be counterproductive to your muscles because your muscles need to be warmed up before they can stretch out. Think of your muscles like a rubber band that has been in the freezer. It won't stretch very far right away. Your warm up time is used to get your muscles ready to work and stretch. Cold muscles are also more prone to injury because they are unstable. Save your stretching for after your workout.c 

Exercise Myth #2: Lifting Weights Bulks Women Up

Men have 20-30 percent more testosterone than women, so their bodies react differently to weight training. When men lift weights, they gain muscle mass, but when women lift weights, their muscles tend to tighten and lengthen. Also, the more muscle mass you have, the more fat you are burning throughout the day. It also increases bone strength and is good for your overall health. The only way for a woman to bulk up like a man is to take steroids or to be weight training five hours every day. Thirty minutes a day three times a week is all you need for toned muscles.c 

Exercise Myth #3: You Should Lift Weights on Cardio Machines

While you may burn slightly more calories by using weights while on the treadmill, the risks outweigh the benefits. You won't be as focused on what you're doing, putting you at risk for joint injury. A better way of increasing your caloric burn is to increase the incline on the treadmill or increase the resistance on the elliptical, then do your weights once you're done with cardio.c 

Other Exercise Myths

1. Myth: Crunches with flatten your stomach. Truth: Cardio plus dynamic ab exercises will reduce abdominal fat, making the underlying muscles more visible.
c 2. Myth: You can turn muscle into fat. Truth: At any given point, you are either losing fat or building muscle, but not turning one into the other.
3. Myth: Exercising once a week isn't worth it. Truth: Something is better than nothing.
4. Myth: You can "spot reduce" trouble areas like love handles or inner thighs. Truth: Your body has a pre-determined way in which it will lose weight, so do cardio to reduce fat overall and weight train every major muscle group. Eventually, you'll be fit all over.
5. Myth: No pain, no gain. Truth: Pain is an indicator that you're doing something wrong. Soreness, on the other hand, means you're working muscles that you previously haven't.

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Рекомендации по теме

Hi, could you make a video on how to do a proper workout on an elliptical please? Your stuff is so informative. Love it!!


what is the best workout for tummy fat?


I feel so comfy watching her explaining me what to do at the gym *___*)/ Thanks from japan!


Well I'm actually confused about stretching! so what is yoga is all about?! I mean most of yoga classes i see all begin with stretches.... I don't get it!


Warm up (not only running, it's some light and short full-body exercise like a mountain climber, any kinds of jump.etc...) is enough before a workout. Stretch seems unnecessary because any weightlifting exercises doesn't need to stretch to obtain the full range of motion. If stretching a lot, during the workout u would tend to straighten your limbs to release the stress on the joints not the muscles. Only after the workout, it's the stretch that needs to relax the stiff warmed muscle...


Hay terri what is your opinion about food supliments? Good or bad??


thanks! you really helped me. I play tennis and i have a habit of stretching...


i never realized this but im a cheerleader and in my private classes my trainer always has me jump on the trampoline for about 5 min or so and then i stretch i guess this so my muscles are warm when i stretch haha thxx


Weight a garsh darn minute! Lol. But seriously. Does this mean I can lift as much as any guy, without bulking up? Because I curl 200lbs at the gym and I am not bulking up. So, does this mean that I am permitted to do as much as guys do, even though I am a female? Because I curl 200lbs without the use of steriods. My muscles are still small, though. Not small. More like sort of medium. Not as much as a guy, though. My arms are smaller than male arms, but, I can still curl 200lbs.


wow she said Arnold shwortzinigger just saying


if women work out to much will their boobs shrink ?


Hey! Have you heard the talk about - fast abs magic (do a google search)? Ive heard some awesome things about it and my work buddy got detailed 6 pack abs and lost a truck load of of fat with it.


Women have testosterone but not the high levels displayed in men. Some brain conditions and medications can alter and even elevate the levels in women. But this is usually due to medical conditions or an introduction via parental methods (shots). Some men have elevated estrogen levels for the same reasons I mentioned above and have gynecomastia (enlarged boobs and make breast milk).


Breast tissue is made of primarily fat. With weight loss (fat loss), you will loose breast tissue. Thats why a lot of fitness models get breast implants.
