Chipotle Day In The Life | behind the counter, grill shift, line, DML, prep

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I've been working at Chipotle part-time for a year and 3 months now, let me show off a few of my skills

Hello there! I’m Maxwell Garcia. I’m a rising sophomore at the University of Florida State at Tallahassee, Florida studying electrical engineering. Currently hoping to work for Elon Musk under Tesla or SpaceX or maybe work somewhere to afford a Model Y w/ FSD. I make mostly vlogs centered around my life and occasionally make more deep dives into my revolving door of hobbies. I’m a flawed human and full of love to give!

What camera do I use?
Mostly my iPhone 12 with a sprinkle of Canon M50, GoPro Hero 6, DJi Spark
Where was i born?
in the greater suburb of Miami
What is my age?
i was born in the 21st century

Thank you for watching! I hope i informed/entertained you in some manner!

INSTAGRAM: maxwellgarcia_1
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I used to work Grill as a closer and then Opener when the store I worked at moved me to a different place. I worked for Chipotle for 3-4 years and man I just had so many flashbacks. The double toss down of ckn was something I learned out of desperation because I had the main line and a drive thru line that just slammed my ckn. Same thing with the steak at some point. But it got to the point where I was the only person that could get away with bending so many of the rules and such because I was such a beast at Grill that neither line was fully out of anything on the hot side. Then I learned all the times that it would be busy since we were posted right across from a Uni. Still many memories made their and plenty of stories that would get me fired if I was still their and told the managers but the ones I worked with that were also doing Uni were pretty chill. Still this video sums up morning Grill


Man I wish I could work mornings. Seems like heaven compared to night shifts. Chipotle makes it so difficult


I was a GM for Chipotle for a few years. I do have to say that it was the 2 best store that I managed for food wise. All restaurants cook leftovers. But Chipotle is the only one that uses day old and throws it after. Their prep is the best I’ve seen with freshness. I actually ran the 9th best Chipotle in the US. They paid managers really well but I have to say they pay employees garbage. The reason I left was because it’s a greedy company. Their standards are high and unreasonable and give no wiggle room to be generous at times with those high prices that’s why you see the skimpy bowls at times


I know this is an older video; but i just love seeing everyones personal experience with diffeent stores. I currently work at Chipotle and i love it! I do mainly prep but i get to learn grill next week! Its really interesting seeing all the things your store does differently. Like, our store doesnt offer sweet tea. As night prep we always prep chicken for yall the night before. Its also fun to all the different times yall get in. My stores usual time is everyone for morning in at either 645 or 7. Keep up the good work! Love to see someone else who adores the job.


I used to do this stuff for 5 years. I thought about going back but I do not miss doing that at all. Makes me anxious just thinking about doing it.


Holy I’m shocked with how little prep this was, I use to work at Cafe Rio basically Chipotle’s competitor and they had my sister do Grill plus HAND WASH DISHES. It would’ve been much better with a automatic dishwasher. We even make the tortillas fresh and I’d get so pissed when I’d have to make more than 300 a day for Taco Tuesdays 🥲


I owned a restaurant and bar for 20 years. It is hard work because it is so intense and you work constantly (that goes for people who have work ethic and want to produce quality). I am surprised to see that you make the tea on the stove top in kettles, we ran our big tea bags in through our bunn hot water machine that made coffee too, it was made strong and then diluted to proper strength with ice. We did all our own prep in the AM for the day and the often all day long depending on demand. Our food was always fresh due to turnover in sales - nothing sat. We labeled everything with dates so rotation was followed. Of course we were Serv-Safe certified, I had all my kitchen staff take classes - that is important. We sliced all our own deli meats and cheeses every other day - lots of Globe slicer work. Prep work tires you out, then working the line finishes you off. I often enjoyed just going in the dish room and doing dishes - it was therapeutic. Customers would be surprised to find out that as the owner I wash dishes. Yes, as the owner you do everything including cleaning toilets. Staff doesn't always show up or you have staff that have shortcomings. Food service is a young persons business. I was worn out and sold my business to someone else luckily several years before the pandemic. They couldn't hack it and the building somehow caught fire. Restaurant in trouble often have "fires" mysteriously happen. You see a lot of fires in the news when the economy gets tough.


this is very nice, all that REAL food cooking up, panda express is like this too.


Used to work at Chipotle for about 3-4 months, started out on line then I moved over to grill. I moved countries but I really wanted to stay, quite enjoyed the job.

Favorite part of the day was probably making a brisket quesadilla for me when I was on break when the brisket first came out lmao


doing it the “chipotle” way is slow that’s why i don’t do it lol they expect us to be done at certain times when they want us to be perfect with everything, you can’t have both


fellow grill person here. loved the pov angle! salute brotha!


I been at chipotle for about 4 months now, and I'm still slow at prepping everything there ... I want to be faster but can't get the hang of it ... I feel stupid there but enjoy the people there so I also feel terrible for letting them down and them having to double work to pick up my slack ... if anyone has any advice for me I'll appreciate it 🙂


love these videos homie!
get on that shorts/tiktok grind!


Makes me love Chipotle even more. I hope all are ran this well and as much prep.


Interesting! Love seeing behind the scenes of this stuff.


omg so glad I found this I just started chipotle today and im a morning griller . im a visual learner so I love this soo much <3


I'm currently a back of the house trainer and this is pretty spot on


I used to go to this same chipotle, you guys rocked!


Good job man one of my first jobs out of high school liked working at C was great experience:)


too much salt in that brown rice my guy 😂😂😂
