Switched to a Kindle: 10 REASONS WHY

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Do you own a Kindle/E-Reader? Share your thoughts below.


I thought it was interesting that you mentioned children because you are 100% right. My daughter does love books but she doesn’t always want to go to the library when I would like to. Also, I read on my kindle in dark mode constantly when my daughter was a newborn, colicky, teething or sick and the only way she would sleep was when she laid on my chest. Now I enjoy it mainly because my husband tends to fall asleep much faster than me so I can stay up reading without bothering him. I love the adjustable font, warm light and built in dictionary too!


Also, my daughter is 4 and definitely understands the difference when I’m on my phone and when I’m using my kindle. She even calls it my book.


I have to admit, I do love my kindle! Having books in one place makes it easy to switch between books, I don’t need a night/book light, no torn book covers 😭, adjustable font and sizes, instant and sometimes cheaper books, portable… many reasons! At first I tried using the kindle app on my iPad, but I didn’t like that and rarely read books that way. Getting the actual Kindle (discounted during Prime Day in case I didn’t like it lol) was a game changer. No distractions from being on the iPad, and different lighting made it so much better and now I read many books a month on it. I still have my book shelves full of books to read and of course will read them! But the Kindle is a nice addition for sure!


I have a small house and no more room for another book or bookshelf! So digital books are pretty much my only option!


This was such a quality video! I have many kindles and some belonging to my kids. But this video taught me about the text to speech which is awesome for learning readers. And all the reasons were great! Thanks for involving why it’s great for kids too, it allows me to use it for its full potential.


I think for kids I would much rather have physical books. For adults I think you can make a good argument for either


For our picture books, we buy physical books and we use out booklights and such but for the books without it all e-reader. The Robinson Booklist is easy to drag and drop into my Kobo e-reader through my computer.


You can save on Kindle Unlimited by buying a KU a 6, 12, or 24 month Kindle Unlimitted gift subscription. They tend to be on sale Black Friday or Cyber Monday.


I am going back and forth between wanting to read real books and using a kindle. I miss the physical book, but as a busy mom often it just means no reading is happening, so back to the eReader I go. What I dislike about the kindle is how cumbersome it is to create collections on the device, and the website to manage the content is not very convenient, either.


Kindle is a messy set up for me
It always doubles back and goes to the wrong screen page turning is a nightmare

What kindle is the best kindle. I wish it had a push button for page turning. Not having to place a finger at the perfect spot to turn pages😢


I can't get the speech to text to work on the Kindle Paperwhite 11...not sure what I'm doing wrong but I'd love to be able to turn Kindle books into audiobooks


If you covered this and I some how missed it, please forgive me. But when it comes to using the book files from RC, can you download the actual files from RC online to a kindle? I want to be sure I am getting the exact editions from RC, because there are other editions of the same books, and the RC list is vetted. For example it’s a big deal to get the exact copy of Gulliver’s Travels that’s on RC. Because Mr. Robinson used an edition that omitted the sexually explicit content, where other editions on the free domain are not suitable reading due to content. So I don’t want to fool with domain books when it comes to my kids. I’m fine with a Kindle, so long I can use my RC online files and I’m still not clear about this.


I forgot to add in my comment that at first I was nervous my children would think I was on the internet while on the kindle, but no! They know the kindle is for books only and will use it sometimes to read as well 😀 I’m waiting for another sale so I can upgrade and hand down this one to one of the kids!


e-reader hack is deleted? It says "not available"..


Kindle is more gooder than physical bookage


I prefer physical books but my house is getting overtaken by books! So I need to stop buying them and use my Kindle more. My only snag is, do you properly own a book on a Kindle? Great video. Oh, another good point is you can change font size. Some fonts in books can be small. Oh yes, you said that. Sorry! X


I have been given 2 of them over the years, and I did give them a try, but they both just sit on the shelf now. A physical book is better than digital in every possible way. there is no contest.


I would love to see you thrift store shop for books ❤😊


Another great video Karen but I do wonder if maybe you’ve had to move house a few too many times over the last few years and you are just over packing and unpacking boxes of books. 🤔
Having said all this my son whose 6 nearly 7 (he’s a fluent reader) has totally got into reading on his kindle. The RC books are all being printed but we went through and loaded up his kindle with books like treasure island. And he’ll happily read a chapter a day.
