Police killings: New study shows more than half officially unreported | USA TODAY

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Researchers estimate that 17,100 deaths from police violence went unreported during a nearly 40-year period.

More than half of police killings in the U.S. are not reported in official government data, and Black Americans are most likely to experience fatal police violence, according to a new study released Thursday.

An estimated 55% of deaths from police violence from 1980 to 2018 were misclassified or unreported in official vital statistics reports, according to the peer-reviewed study by a group of more than 90 collaborators in The Lancet, one of the world's oldest and most renowned medical journals.

Previous studies have found similar rates of underreporting, but the new paper is one of the longest study periods to date.

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#BlackLivesMatter #policeviolence #racialinjustice
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Officially Unreported? There is literally no way it can be official unless you have the real number of unreported cases at which point it's no longer unreported.


The vocabulary used by this article is widely skewed toward a specific narrative.


Contention: 17, 000 police killings were not reported as _police killings._ If that's so, then how did Fablina Sharara (author of the study) know that they're police killings?? I read the NYT article and recall it mentioning two examples of suspects listed as having died of asphixiation who the author contends died from police violence. Even accepting that as true, from my standpoint, this "study" still owes us data on 16, 998 cases of allegedly unreported police violence.


“The Lancet retracts large study on hydroxychloroquine” -NBC Know your sources and proceed with caution.


These comments will be full of white grievance and denial.


New study estimates based on some formula, should be the headline.


No surprise. Over they years it became a willfully dismissive attitude to accused people when they claimed police abused them. They commited a crime and everybody assumed they were just mad they got caught, so they ignored the thousands of people who claimed cops were corrupt or abusive. Now here we are learning about all the cover ups and the real extent of corruption amd murder. I myself had my rights violated several times dealing with the cops. Illegal searches without probable cause, aggressive treatment, threats, . Cameras are the best thing to ever happen to justice to protect the people from from the cops. After all who's guarding the guardians? Who's policing the police? Nobody really, or nobody who isn't bias that is. Even my short time as a police officer the corruption I seen was disturbing, its why I quit. The cops were not really much better then the people they arrested


I tried to bring up facts on this topic and had my comment deleted. Bet you know what they were.


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so the formal medical journal does a study that means nothing


Are we talking about Spy ninjas They are don’t know about Project Zorgo is


It hasn't been reported but we know it's out there even though it hasn't been reported hence systemic racism...


When there's no capital punishment, the police enforce the rule of law.
Shame judges can't do their job.
