ROS2 Publisher and Subscriber Package C++

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In this ROS2 tutorial video, I will show you how to make your own publisher and subscriber package in C++.
0:00 Introduction
0:41 CMake Extension
0:55 Create Package with ros2 pkg create
1:32 ROS2 publisher source code explanation
4:06 ROS2 subscriber source code explanation
7:22 Check dependencies with rosdep
7:38 Build package with colcon build
8:13 Run the publisher
8:29 Run the subscriber
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0:00 Introduction
0:41 CMake Extension
0:55 Create Package with ros2 pkg create
1:32 ROS2 publisher source code explanation
4:06 ROS2 subscriber source code explanation
7:22 Check dependencies with rosdep
7:38 Build package with colcon build
8:13 Run the publisher
8:29 Run the subscriber
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