ROS Tutorial: Subscriber and Publisher Nodes in Python from Scratch and Connect them Using Topics

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In this Robot Operating System (ROS) tutorial, we explain how to write from scratch publisher and subscriber nodes in ROS and how to connect them through a constructed topic. First, we explain how to construct a catkin workspace and a ROS package. Then, we explain how to write publisher and subscriber nodes in Python. We connect them through a new topic.
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Thanks for the tutorials man, i really appreciate what you do.


Thanks for tutortials it is great help! I want to ask one question like i am working on the project in which I have viacon camera which is taking data from drone postion and and this data goes to XBEEs which is connected to pc on which ros running and this xbee is sending data to another xbee on which arduino is connected i want to display that viacon data on the arduino serial monitor. can you just give me idea how to subscribe and publish data that concepts. Thanks
