CIA Spy: How To Master The Art Of Conversation | Andrew Bustamante

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Wow! I need to rewind and listen again and again and again! Thanks for your insights


I think this guy is a soul mate to all of us on here . Thankyou Sir . Agreed 👍🏽


We contain neurons in our brains (most know this), guts (some know this), and hearts (few are aware of this). The key (from my subjective perspective) is to learn to integrate and use all. I basically look at these as intellect:brain, intuition:heart, and instinct:gut.


What a legend he is. Thank you for bringing this excellent conversation


Here is where it gets tricky: Regardless of how one chooses to interact with, access, and take action (if called for) as a result of the data collected via the senses (and instruments), the individual must still interpret it through their own subjective lens of reality.


im autistic...i have a problem lying to myself


So let’s say someone is “psychic” … though I’m using the quotes because it’s impossible to read someone’s mind. Let’s just say you’re too intelligent for your own good. What happens when you can’t help but discover someone’s “secret life”? Not by trying, but through good intuition?

Now, let’s say you practice keeping this to yourself, but occasionally leak info through facial expressions, body language etc. Let’s say you’re pretty good at that, but not exactly a Texas Hold’em Champ.

Bonus points: other people who are aware of the person’s secret life are more likely to suss out your personal intuition that you’ve otherwise managed to hold from people. How do people generally handle that?

And no, no one tells me about their private or secret life. That is one way you know that you’re fairly alienated: people proactively insulate themselves and others from you, fearing your intellect and intuition.

Paradox: it is exactly the skills required to overcome this marginalization and alienation (despite people’s uncoordinated attempts to keep you isolated) that cause you to develop “psychic” like abilities. In absence of logos (language & logic), to survive you must identify other means of acquiescing & reading information. These are mostly vestigial skills & modalities of such sensory & social information processing that are otherwise dormant in people.


Teaching this to me is like trying to teach a Cheetah to quit running so fast.


i love secret life! it's the best part of people


Thanks for the reminder to never post my location on social media 😅


I am surprised Andrew is allowed as an ex-spy to talk about the CIA methods. He is obviously an intelligent man and I enjoy listening to him. One of my two questions I would like to ask the long hair and the second question, given how good American dentists are why does he not get his front tooth fixed. Looking after hair that long is not easy, hopefully he washes it on a daily basis. We talk about EGO, but the contradiction in the long hair and the missing tooth is strange. Just asking!


Andrew Bustamante do you remember me from Dearborn, mi I have some things I'd like to talk to you about an a few things I think you should know about me.


Don’t trust your gut, trust your guts.


Geez. . .I wish the agency took their own training to heart. The decisions they’ve made over the past 40 years do NOT reflect this wisdom. They seem to have stepped on their collective cranks with golf cleats at every turn.


Am I the only one who thinks this "former CIA spy" is very awkward.


i disagree. Intuition is coming via the crown chakra, where we are connected to the inner world. Not trusting your guts would be like not trusting your intuition and i really find it weird to suggest that.


Good short video. What Andrew is talking about when speaking on mental laziness has a name, its called being a Cognitive Miser. Also, if you don't take in Cognitive Dissonant information you will never grow to your full potential!


"your gut is the most untrustworthy thing in your body"
aye.... most feelings come from GUT bacteria LOL

Edit: TLDR of this video: just lie about shit.... sigh...


In Sweden those informations you can find on internet- everything about someone- if they’ve took credit, salary, price of their car, mortgage, if they didn’t paid something in time… Literally everything.


I disagree with the first part of your conversation. If you wake me up in the morning I’ll tear you to shreds. I’m the opposite of what you said. If you talk to me at 9pm or later I will play nice and we can work on things. As for changing yourself there are many things you can not hide. I not addicted to drugs as a teenager I experimented so I know the signs. I quit nicotine and caffeine I quit almost every bad habit I had. The reason I say that you can’t smell like tobacco and say you don’t smoke and think that I won’t know if I get a craving and I can pick you out right away. As for personal life’s all I have to do is work one 8 hour shift with a person. I tell a story they listen then they start telling a story I listen and ask questions I tell them sincerely when I agree with them and press for more information. They feel comfortable so they keep sharing. Like I show them a scare where I was stabbed then I their mind it starts to be a competition I call it the one upper. So then I change focus I repeat what they tell me then ask a question. How did that make you feel if you could do it over would anything change. I agree but what were you thinking at the time.

I could go on but the things they tell me. I don’t want to tell anyone else. In fact I wish sometimes they would not of told me too much information. Like a person told me they had a disease now it’s like where are the Clorox wipes who am I going to tell that to? Or they tell me they are on this pill. Or they are lesbian and on birth control then they start hitting on me so I have to bring up my wife. When you cross over to the private life it is not as cool as you make it sound you better be able to back peddle. And don’t tell anyone because if everyone finds out they know it was you. It can be dangerous.

I ask my mom people share this? She said it’s because I make them feel comfortable.

As for self improvement back to where I disagree. One day you just have to wake up and kill your self off. Start from scratch never talk to anyone in your past life. Quit all your vices. Start climbing a new mountain knowing when you get to the top someone is going to push you down. When I have nothing is when I’m the most creative I miss the feeling of it has to work there is nothing else.

They say to me that I have to be the most compassionate because I’ve been there. I’m not I quit but I have no faith in them they are too predictable. I know what it takes see I was always out to prove them wrong. I’ll tell you how to get to me tell me you can’t do that. For some strange reason I do. The told me I couldn’t go to college if I dropped out of high school I did said I couldn’t stop nicotine I did I could go on and on. I have not met anyone like me so no I do not have compassion ever person I’ve met has let me down at some point. The shit people have told me I want to forget when I think about it I want to wash my hands with bleach!!!

I’ve ranted long enough thank you for your time.
