Eat Junk Food and Lose Weight! WHAT?!

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Can you actually lose weight by eating nothing but twinkies, chocolate bars, and powdered donuts? Weight loss is a huge topic in the health and fitness world, and if you can lose weight by eating whatever you want, I'm sure many people will be signing up for such a diet program. Let's find out if it truly works and should you be doing it.

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I'm on a seefood diet. I see food, and I eat it


How the fuck does this guy make videos about the exact things I'm thinking about at the exact time I'm thinking about them.


cucumber diet worked amazing for me plus its very easy. You just eat everything except cucumbers!


just do a combo of both healthy and junk food.


I got tired of eating the same " healthy " foods on my weight loss diet so I decided to eat the things I really like as a switch up .The thing with any food is to not OVER eat .You will lose weight eating chips as long as it's just a serving and not half the bag


when i was 15 i lost weight on ice cream, chicken nuggets, everything in the sweets isle, green tea and running and yea i lost about 40 lbs, 15 in one month then the rest more gradually it was entirely me proving a point that u don't need to be healthy to lose weight. proved it. but whenever anyone asks me about weight loss i always make it clear that there's a difference between losing weight and being healthy. sometimes they go hand in hand sometimes they are compete opposites. what i did was pretty bad, except for the running part, but it was all part of my point. what im saying is basically ur entire video point but yeah. im much more healthy now (i mean, as healthy as anyone with a sweet tooth can be) i always direct anyone wanting to lose weight to go to ur channel :)


losing weight is all about counting calories, no matter what u eat


I never feel bad about eating junk food. I just count calories and I can eat literally whatever I want...


Aww the Twinkie Diet, Fun but makes ya sluggish :)


I tried the hot Cheetos and Roman noodles diet. hence, my body got skiiny but my cheeks got fat, making me look like a bobble head.


I'd Rather not eat twinkies forever, I like home cooked meals.


I gained weight trying to eat 'healthy' since the food was terrible and I actually wasn't eating enough. And on my cheat days I would pig out way more then I should. Since then, I no longer have cheat days, but I do eat whatever I want, as long as I can fit it into my daily allowance of calories, which has worked for me so far, going from 270 to currently 215.

I look and feel a lot better.


So you're saying I should do a junk food meal prep ;)


I can confirm that this can be done, I lost 10kg wile drinking beer for dinner and eating all types of junk foods during the day, and I’ve lost it quiet quickly too. I used to eat loads of snikers, burgers, chips, chocolate etc.
I’m thinking of doing it again.


After counting calories for years, I stopped even wanting any junk food EVER.

I saw how many calories junk food has and how little fiber and protein it delivers - and how it is nearly impossible to not overeat because it either leaves you wanting more directly after you've eaten, or you get hungry again way too soon.

While I sometimes feel a little awkward when a group of people I'm with decides to go to McD and I'm the only one not eating that shit, having a sixpack at 35+ is worth some awkwardness for me :)


Saw the documentary ... Blow my mind ! Thanks for the recap, it will be easier to share than a 40 min doc ^^


The nutrition professor you drew in the beginning looks like Tai Lopez


You should do a video on macro ratios (%) for maintenance/building muscle/fat loss if you haven't already. You make things very easy to understand, love your vids! 😃👍🏻


I count calories and it has helped so much. Before I’ve been really paranoid about what I’m eating is healthy, but now that I’m counting calories and allowing myself a little junk food as long as I don’t exceed 1300 calories.


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