14 Things That INTJs Absolutely Hate

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✅ You will be surprised with these 14 Things That INTJs Absolutely Hate!
If you are an INTJ (Architect/ Mastermind) Personality Type you probably have a few things, behaviors or patterns that you absolutely hate! The INTJ personality type is an energetic and forward-thinking individual who values intelligence, knowledge, and competence.

However, even extremely analytical INTJs, like every other personality type, have their limits. Although INTJs experience anger, they want to keep their emotions under control as much as possible. However, the INTJ is entirely OK with allowing justified anger to be expressed, especially in instances where they believe it is vital to get their point across. If you are an INTJ, find out if any of those things make you furious. Here are 14 Things That INTJs Absolutely Hate.

0:00 Intro
1:00 - 1. Inadequate authorities
1:31 - 2. Mundane small talks in social interactions
2:12 - 3. Dishonesty
2:48 - 4. Incompetent people
4:12 - 5. Drama of any kind
4:36 - 6. Rules and status quo
4:57 - 7. Laziness and inefficiency
5:34 - 8. Being called irrational
6:07 - 9. Erratic and overly emotional people
6:40 - 10. Ignorance
7:05 - 11. Last minute surprises
7:45 - 12. Being misunderstood
8:13 - 13. Betrayal
8:39 - 14. Close-minded people

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8 Weird Habits Of An INTJ Personality Type


1. People
2. People
3. People
4. Stupidity
5. Injustice
6. Illogical behavior
7. People
8. People
9. People
10. People


Willful ignorance, lying, betrayal, and hypocrisy are big ones for me.


1. Betrayal, injustice
2. Idiots, close minded people
3. Too sensitive, emotional people


I’m glad there’s videos like this out there so I don’t feel insane when certain shit pisses me off. Most of these points ring very true for me.


I’ve found if you can make having a sense of humor truly a priority that your life as an INTJ becomes infinitely easier


Hypocrites, close minded people, and whiners who don’t bother to come up with solutions drives me up a wall 😂.


Every one of these is 100% true about me. My (only) friend infuriates me because as an INTJ I thoroughly research everything before I will talk about it, and yet he will literally tell me that I'm wrong, or that isn't true at all....when I know with absolute certainty that what I'm saying is true and he hasn't researched it at all. There's a good chance I'll be back to 0 friends in the near future and be happier for it.


This is so true. I hate all of these things so much more than anything else, especially lying and calling me stupid.


Well didn't know someone could make a list of what I hate...untill now


1. Couldn't agree more, very frustrating
2. I wouldn't say I hate them. I understand the necessity of these interactions just to initiate and keep conversations going, but at the first opportunity, I always try to steer these interactions into topics with a bit more substance.
3. It isn't something I hate necessarily. People lie and are dishonest about things for many different reasons, e.g. stemming from insecurity or embarrassment. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt if I know they are lying to me, but if it is a consistent habit, my empathy will quickly evaporate.
4. Absolutely, not knowing something is fine, but refusing to learn is unacceptable.
5. 100%, leave me out of it, I am not interested in the slightest.
6. I don't hate rules if they are justified for being in place. Having rules just for the sake of them, especially if they are hindering something, is infuriating.
7. Yep, can't really find exception to this one.
8. I can't say this situation has come up for me, thankfully, but I can imagine it would be annoying.
9. Having poor control over your emotions will inevitable lead to poor decision-making. I can't be around people like that.
10. Again, not knowing something is fine, but refusing to learn is unacceptable. Having an emotionally detached hypothesis on what they THINK is the case and are willing to reformulate this based on new information is fine also. However, do not attempt to strongly argue from a position of ignorance, I have no time for it. Do your due diligence before you have an opinion.
11. As a general rule of thumb, I agree, but I am kind of neutral on this one. Sometimes it is more interesting to just see how things unfold on their own, just for my own entertainment if nothing else.
12. Despise it, being misconstrued and not taken at my word boils my blood like nothing else. However, tailoring how you talk, to each individual person, just to get a somewhat cordial interaction is fucking exhausting.
13. Once you betray and lose my trust, you don't get it back. No second chances.
14. 100%, being receptive to new ideas and viewpoints is ultimately what makes other people even worth interacting with most of the time.


I was going to suggest that making a list of the things INTJ's don't hate would be a shorter video, but you pretty much covered them 30 seconds in: intelligence, knowledge, and competence. Throw in beauty and efficiency and that's the lot.


The lack of knowledge get me there I left someone for this lol


Thing INTJ's hate...ISTJ's. It goes both ways.


💯💯💯💯💯REAL LIFE parallels 💯💯💯💯💯

Thanks for spending the time to create and share this content perspective🙏🏾


8:16 💀 Yeah nah I used to talk to a girl and one day she didn’t say hi when passing by me (unusual) and saw her laughing and being touchy with another guy…that same second I blocked her on snapchat, instagram and facebook and ignored her ass for 3 weeks straight and when at week 2 she tried talking to me again I completely made her feel like a ghost and that’s when I felt like I won Argh ! so Glad I’m the total opposite of a simp


I know this is mean, but i absolutely cannot stand stupid people. 😂


When people try and copy you instead of just devoloping those skills on their own and acting like their alteady a expert on the topic when they're not. It just screams "Oh but im actually good at this and hoping my belief will make it somehow work" to me. Many ENFPs I've observed are like this.


I’m an INTJ….but don’t all of these things annoy everyone? I hope so


Right now, what I hate the most is the lack of bias and that they only let themselves be carried away by their feelings when making judgments... Aren't there neutral people in this world?