How I work on a BIG Canvas 🤔

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#HowTo #DIY #BigCanvases

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Today is a Quick Video On how I work on a big Canvas On a small workspace, I get asked this question a lot and Now I can add it to the Pocket Guide to diamond Painting.

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So glad I’ve found your channel. Quick and to the point. Thanks.


I got my first cover minders in the mail today, I’m thankful that I found your channel. You have taught me so much and I love hearing about your ‘real” life. Thanks from this ex South Dakota girl.


This is great to know because I have a smaller table I want to utilize more so this will help!! Thank you Mrs. Crochet and Coffee!


Thank you for an excellent explanation, both verbally and visually!! Increased my confidence ten fold.


Hello Mrs Coffee, Wow, thank you. I have a big kit that's way to big for my tv tray table ( the one that you fold up and place in closet). I had the whole thing speed out, handing over the sides. I wind up stop working on it and stored it away . Started buying smaller kits .


Thanks, like you I use our kitchen table, your insight made me feel that big canvases are a possibility now. Love and cookies from me to you. ❤❤❤


Thank you thank you. Just got my first large canvas and had no I idea how I was going to work on it. You solved my problem!!!


Thank you for this tip. I'm new to diamond painting and going to work on a big canvas and didn't know what to do with it. I feel more confident now. Thanks again.


Thank you so much. I lean on you for sound advice.


I have always unrolled my dp as I go & used clips, never thought of using coverminders, I have lots of those. I'm going to try that on my next dp. Thank You for the tip 😀❤


Thank you for this video. I have asked this question before about large canvasses. Helped out alot. Plus love the quick an to the point style. 👍💜


Very helpful to work rolled ! The only other thing I might add is using the assistance of a pool noodle or heavy duty art tube to roll the finished part around so as to not accidentally squish it or roll too tightly 😘


Thanks for sharing this video. I have been working on a smaller surface lately and have been struggling. And boy do I know what you mean about the dog hair!


Thanks for the tip. I'm working on a 60x83 now. I have it very loosely rolled the way it was shipped and I figured as I'm working on it I will roll it outward like you did. Hopefully that will work too.🤗


I love to see how you work on your paintings..always giving me more ideas! I work in my living room and in my spare room!


Great tips. I work off my kitchen table and this would work so much better than my system (which is nothing). I will be using this when I work on Dia Flower Pot Bestie


So helpful, thank you!! I have finally done that with mine and its helping so much. I have the easel that adjusts so its just clipped around pool noodles( like someone in the group suggested) and it has helped me to not feel so overwhelmed and to still have space to move. Thank you!!!


This is great to know. I only have a kitchen table to work with. Hubby is planning on making me a table later. Thanks for the information Mrs Coffee.


I'm new to your channel and currently waiting on my first kit to arrive. I've ordered a 50x70cm so this was really helpful. I can't wait to get started 😊


Thank you Mrs. C.., I’m a newbie, trying to learn this craft thru YouTubers like you, Rachel Rae and Stitcherista (so?). I too live in an apartment so I have limited area and I was lucky enough to “snag” DAC’s Something Sweet this past Saturday..., so this posting is a big help when the times come for me to work in that and other big canvases. Take care and keep safe Donna from South Jersey. 😊
