Minimalism | I don't listen to music

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in this video I am going to tell you why I don´t listen to music and also don´t own any. I know, this maybe sounds crazy, but I have thought a lot about it and would also reall like to know your opinion on this topic!

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As a musician, I love scilence. Music to me is invaluable, but a constant stream of it takes away some of the divinity that comes from listening to great music. The point about minimalism here is, you can listen to music, but do it with intention and to get value out of it.


Music will put you up in a dreams world.... i m addicted to music because of my deprassion from childhood.... but my advice to everybody is to stop listening to music to "improuve" your mood.
Be real, and improuve your mood with your acctions, and stop dreaming.


I don’t have any desire to listen to music as I’ve gotten older. I go through bursts of liking lots of music to not wanting to listen to anything.


I certainly could never give up music, it’s one of my passions, particularly watching live music. However I totally agree that sometimes we need the silence and I know I need to do that more often. I tend to listen to podcasts more than music these days but music brings me such joy, it’s one of the things I need to clear the clutter to be able to enjoy!


I'm so glad I'm not alone on this. It's been about a year since I played music on my phone . I love the peace and silence. I hear music and people and everyday noise around me that I really appreciate the silence. I always loved music and still do so it feels weird that I don't listen to music anymore. It doesn't make sense but I'm just glad I'm not the only one.


The digital world is addictive. I’d like to read more books from my local library, meditate and rest. I love music and would love to learn an instrument but I agree, down time is important. 💙🙏🏻


Eddie Van Halen didn't listen to music, he preferred the sound of his car engine, a train coming thru town, the birds, people talking, etc.


Such a unique perspective that I have never considered before! You've inspired me to go for an entire day without music (of course I can't control other sounds necessarily, but I can control my actions). This is something I probably have never done once in my life as long as I have had access to music. I have found so much in silence so far and i find myself getting better at listening to my inner voice over time : )


I do agree with you. I also really love music, but i love the sound of silence even more. Great video!!!


I am a musician, I play almost every single day, I like to think music is my entire life, but at the same time I almost never listen to music. I do sometimes set off an hour or two to just listen and it's great! I think the balance between silence and music makes me appreciate it more. My roommates are almost the opposite, they have music on for almost everything. Brushing teeth, making breakfast, doing laundry and sometimes even sleeping. I only wish they'd be a bit more quiet with it lol


Music is fun for parties but very distracting for me even when I’m working out


Althrough i grew up in a musical environnement, i don't appreciate music anymore. It gives me headaches, and i prefer silence or white noise.
I consider that our daily environnement is polluted by music. We have music everywhere all the time, and it has become like a disease. Too much of something kills it. That's what happens with music. We don't need music to expérience great or dramatic moments. People love, succeed, got violented/killed, etc... without music. It's like a way to force you to feel what you "should feel" and even makes you loose the taste of reality.
I think we need to learn to listen to silence and nature again...


Good to know it’s not just me. I don’t listen to music nor have I understood why would anyone listen to the same song thousands of times. I used to pretend to like music in my teenage to blend in but now that I am touching 40, I don’t care anymore.
I have so much time to absorb knowledge about astronomy, philosophy, physics, science, tech, economy and much more.


I love music but usually only listen to it when cleaning/cooking/driving in the car. Most of day is spent with silence - or watching YouTube :-).


I am a musician but I hardly listen to music these day. I came here looking for validation, To know that I'm not crazy or less of an artist because of it. I think you explained this perfectly. Most of the time the only music that I wanna listen to is music that I'm playing in the moment. I feel like I'm constantly distracted and you're right, I never am truly listening to the music that's playing in the car or on my phone. Most of the time I drive in silence or I listen to podcasts, And I find it refreshing. I can't stand the pressure of neebing to constantly add volume to my life just because I'm a musician. Loving music doesn't have to mean sacrificing my love of silence. ❤️


I grew up in the 90s, music was very special to all of us. First of all, the only way the access music was to buy the audio casette or CD. I had to save a month of lunch money to buy an album. This made us appreciate it a lot more. The best part was calling all your friends home because you had the latest album. We friends would get together create mix tapes for each other, listen together and act like we were performing in a concert! I realise the main this was the shared experience, musoc gave us something to do together. Once we grew up and we started having chance to drive a car, we friends would be singing our favorite songs at the top of our voices! Man ... Those were the best days of my life.


I’ve been on a non-music journey as of late. 2+ weeks so far and it’s pretty intense. The urge has dimmed down since the first few days (those were tough). I’m doing it as a detox in hopes to reset my focus and thoughts. Also because I think music is beautiful, and I found myself listening to music just because, which made its value decrease for me. Lately, it’s difficult to do tasks or get motivation without music. I don’t want that no more, and I don’t want to make music the only way for me to cope with any emotions. I’m shooting for at least 90 days, then I’ll see if I go the rest of 2022 without it!


I am the same way.
Also music catches me sometimes too much and after all I am in an other world and for me it's hard to leave the world I am actually not in. You get me in that point?


As a sensitive person, you need music to connect with on a daily basis and that's that, and I understand we all get to a point where we need to switch it off to enjoy silence, which is also highly valuable, but I don't think it's necessary to take it to the extreme. Now, if you're sitting on a cliff and enjoying nature, riding a bike or sleeping, of course I undestand you don't want music involved. That's not a strange thing at all, most people I know wouldn't listen to music while doing those activities. Maybe the title is a bit misleading and should be, 'I only listen to music when I feel I want to'. Cool, you got it, we all do the same.


thats honestly creating a problem for yourself and appreciating the fix and yes its absurd
