AKG Supplements: A Firm But Fair Review!

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AKG Supplements in a human study reversed biological age by 8 years, and in mice, a 2020 study showed a 16.6% lifespan increase. Let’s have a deep dive into AKG or alpha-ketoglutarate supplements

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This video is a bit confusing, and even misleading, as it agglomerates all forms of AKG, and then draws general conclusions. Yet only calcium-alphaketoglutarate is promoted as a longevity supplement, not the other forms, precisely because it is absorbed at a much slower rate in our bodies and thus can enter the cells. Thus dismissing Ca-AKG on the basis of studies made on A-AKG or O-AKG seems a bit dishonest to me, because the main argument against these forms of AKG doesn''t hold for Ca-AKG.


It works!!! As a person in remission from stage 4 cancer, I can tell you this has made a tremendous difference in my recovery.


Work for me Brad . I do blood tests every 3 weeks plus monitor via oura Apple Watch and CGM . Better blood flow. Lower resting heart . Have to be careful not to use too much as can take calcium level in blood too high. Reduces Mtor 1 in studied .


Im 64 years old and I’m taking as supplement for numbers of years now coz I am running 4-5 y a week it does help me to gain more strength my family doctor is asking me if I am taking something sort of vitamin she ask me because my blood test show everything very good in my age, I’m 64 and wrinkle free probably is the effect of AKG


I started taking AKG a month ago, and noticed a definite improvement in exercise capacity. For example, at our Karate school, we run around and various calisthenics as a warmup, followed by a set of burn-out pushups. I can now outlast everyone else in the school, and feel like I can easily do more after they call time, when everyone else including people less than half my age, are done and wiped out. If the effect is pure placebo, it's an amazing placebo effect that I'll happily keep paying for, especially since it isn't all that expensive.


Its weird. Ive been taking random supplements for years but recently I've had a lot more energy and going to the gym and I can correlate that to the exact time I started AKG


Yes, we need real controlled human trials. BUT there are several fly and worm studies showing significant life span improvements - up to 12 percent. I personally take the Novos Core longevity mix which includes 1, 100 mg of CaAKG.


Thanks. I have not taken AKG & appreciate your input that says it isn't needed. I did add creatine after your video. I was surprised that my wife's doctor takes it and he is 40 years younger than me.


AKG is one of the four enzyme cofactors involved in collagen synthesis. Is there a reliable test for AKG deficiency at some meaningful level? Vitamin C is also a cofactor but the test for deficiency is that small amount to prevent scurvy, not for the best health overall.


my personal experience with CA- AKG and weight lifting appears to be as much as 20% increase in strength while lifting shortly after taking 1 Gram, As compared to the same attempt on days not taking the supplement,


Would love to hear your opinion on ashwagandha helping with anxiety and if there are any side-effects to taking it? Like liver toxicity, downregulation of certain neurotransmiters in the brain after stopping taking ashwagandha. Anyways I want to thank you for the great effort you put into this videos and research! Please keep the videos coming!


Hello Brad. I really appreciate the effort you put in for educating everyone. Your video content is very well organized, concise and professional. I have derived much benefit from your studies into questions concerning health. Just some positive feedback here. 👍


I take AKG daily, the cheaper Arginine version. It may be a waste, but it's not that expensive and Arginine can be useful for workouts. So as long as I don't have any bad side effects I will keep taking it. However I will keep my eye on it ..


I found research that AKG does enter muscles cells. Its a performance enhancing supplement like Nitric Oxide boosters. Its about helping the mitochondria run more effectively.


I'm giving it to a 91yr old man and there is a definite improvement.


have you looked into astragalus? also related to longevity


It's a little early to make a call on this one, it will be interesting to see where it ends up with more research..


Renue by science have Lipo ca-Akg so maybe it is longer lasting than other ca-Akg supplements.
Anyway, Can the placebo effect really make blood age go back eight years? Exercise and good sleep won’t make blood age go back eight years.
How come AKG works in mice?
AKG assists in activating some of the yamanaka genes or so I’ve heard.


Thanks for reviewing Dr. Brad! Interesting articles.
