If You Woke up as the Last Person Alive Tomorrow, What Would You Do First? | People Stories #940

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I’d probably raid all my neighbors fridges for food and cook a really good meal for myself, before refrigeration failed. I’d obviously have to do that with a campfire, because the stoves might explode.


I would probably be sad, but happy, because I can finally say that human trafficking and all that bad stuff has finally come to a 100% stop.


Depends on if the bodies are still there. I would probably hope that I could find a big fortress like building, and make it a fortress, because those animals are going to be pissed after a few weeks or months. Plus, I would probably go insane.


I'd freak out for three minutes and go back to sleep. Then I'd move into a bookstore and whatever happens, happens.


Only one mention of a mansion and one of a library. Multiple mentions of the internet. Kids, the LIBRARY is the goldmine, not wikipedia.


1.Take a shit in the oval office bathroom!
2. Take a Naval Carrier out the river for a day of fishing
3. Try to make animals at the zoo interspecies mate. I want a cheetah, rhino, and eagle hybrid


I'd get a scam call, of course, and provide my Vindows passvurd.


1. The internet will likely only last a couple of hours after everyone dies. I would download as many internet pages teaching me survival skills as possible.
2. Find an SUV that can fit a lot of items and go to Walmart.
3. While at Walmart, pick up medical supplies, a tent, blankets, flashlights and batteries, clothes, space heaters, a non-internet based GPS, portable solar powered generators, entertainment, and food (both perishable and non-perishable)
4. Move into the house in my neighborhood that runs on solar energy
5. Steal the Tesla in my neighborhood so that I still have a vehicle when gas reaches its shelf life


I would arm myself in order to be prepared for predators and to keep my hunting skills sharp. Groceries aren’t going to stay fresh forever.


If you are an extrovert, you'd go insane within weeks.
Me, as an introvert, maybe a few months.

Without stimuli from others, we will go insane.

Until then. Basic survival.

Find a house with solarpanels and a fireplace.
Gather water at that house, there will always be canned food in stores.
A rifle and ammo. Even without humans, you are not alone, and alot of the pets we have now, are predators.
A pack of dogs will tear you apart if they are hungry.
Medical supplies.

But this is based on that i wont break down completely the second i realize i am alone.


Well, if that happened, I'd automatically assume SCP is real and that this is either an SCP of it's own, or was caused by an SCP that hasn't gotten to me yet.


What would I do? Prob have army of doggos and do what the bad guy up did and prob be da queen of the doggos


Gasoline does have a shelflife of 3 to 6 months, but it will work long after that still. It will smell different, and won’t be as efficient but it will still work. Source, I have bought multiple cars that have been sitting in fields for 10+ years and they all run on the old gas. I know it’s not good to run them on the old gas because that could be dirt in the fuel tanks from sitting that long but I always do that just to make sure the engine run without issue so that I do not waste time or money filling them up with good stuff


Id take a nap and refuse to wake up untill I dam well please.


1. More loss of all my friends and family
2. bucket list
3. Raid area 51.
4. Steal the decoration of independence
5. Finish rest of bucket list before ending it.


Run to the pharmacy down the street and raid it for as many essential medications and wound care supplies as possible. I could use what I need and trade the rest with any remaining survivors.


I’d head over to CVS and take enough Xanax to take my last nap.


go to some place where they sold gardening equipment, lots of gas cylinders with gas stoves, get me some blunt object, something to purify the water, go and ransack pharmacies, get supplies, etc., I would go and get as many things as possible to survive as long as possible


That first one is probably the most accurate for like 90% of the worlds population.

Introverts will probably last longer than extroverts. The need to be around people would probably break them pretty quickly.

Those who had upbringings in rural areas would likely outlast the urbanites (grocery stores be damned, when i worked in the ER, every winter, we had to deal with idiots who lit wood fires in their oven when the power went out, and they were always people who grew up in the city)

I would probably make a year, 2 max, because i have medical training, and grew up hunting, camping, and going on wilderness survival hikes with just a bow and some arrows, a water bottle with filter, a knife, a hatchet, and flint for fire starting. Used to do that every summer. Did the Appalachian Trail one year, from West Virginia to Maine. Nothing but my regular kit. Loved it.

but i have medical issues, and i would likely die the first time i had a seizure.


I think the worse case scenario is if you did miraculously find another survivor, but they were either:
a. Extremely young or old (so much so that they are completely dependent on other people)
b. Not dependent on anybody but significantly older or young than you

If there were another survivor and we were under the assumption that we were the only ones left, we’d probably form a relationship. If they were significantly older than me, then they would probably die before me assuming that we don’t both die from an exterior cause. I don’t think I could handle knowing surely that I am the only person left in the world, nor could I handle the death of my hypothetical ally. Since they are significantly older than me, they would die at a time when I probably have a good amount of years left. If they were around my age, I would take some comfort in knowing that we would probably die from “natural” causes at around the same time.
