Finding The Right Snowboard Shape - Snowboard Camber Explained

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Taking a look at all the different snowboard shapes, or camber profiles, to help you find the perfect snowboard for you. Each shape is going to make a snowboard ride differently, so in this video we break down the differences between each.

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#snowboardcamber #snowboardcambershapes

0:00 - Intro
0:43 - Rocker / Reverse Camber
1:56 - Regular Camber
3:26 - Hybrid
5:17 - Flat
5:59 - Setback Camber
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This is such a solid, informative video. I'm an instructor and so many if my students struggle with buying the right board. I'm definitely going to direct them to this video. What's particularly helpful is you describe the profile and then explain what that means practically as a rider and who might/might not benefit from it. One of my biggest issues with snowboard companies is that they use so much jargon that it's even hard for me to understand and I've been boarding for 20 years. So I don't blame people who are new to the sport for being intimidated. This is will help a lot I think.


I would say one thing you missed is that the hybrid boards is that they float better in powder and does not require as much quad power to keep the nose up.


This is exactly the video I was looking for. I love how easy it was to understand and straight to the point.


Great video. You do a really good job with these breaking down details into simple to understand terms. I'm older and have been riding for 25 years, technology has changed a ton and I think the key to evolution is being open minded. I moved from standard old school camber to a lib tech c2 profile and it was super helpful for me personally. It has allowed me to relax a bit more and have more fun without being hyper vigilant about catching an edge, but when I want to bomb I can. Certainly the old school camber would out race my hybrid but it's probably good to have a bit of a governor on this old and broken body! I see a lot of comments saying what the right board is, the right board is the one that allows you personally to have the best time...


All your content is just unbelievably high quality. I watched a few videos earlier so even before I watched this I pressed the like button, was not disappointed. Much appreciated


I'm 55. My first snowboard was a Burton Backhill in 1981 when I was 12 (similar to the earlier Burton Snurfer version you have in the background). I haven't been snowboarding in forever and it's fun to come here and see the the incredible advances. These boards are so easy to ride compared to those old maple planks.


Best ever breakdown if I’d only known🙄


Most fun is Flat-Rocker. Very forgiving, great for buttering and spin tricks on groomers and shines in powder. Also you never catch an edge on these. My go to profile !


Nice video. Another pro point for the rocker is that it floats in powder. Even with a small rocker I have to use much less energy than with my camber board. Therefore I would not say a rocker is just for beginners. It is a fun park and powder machine which is also perfect for jibs and butters.


I've only ever rode camber but my son moved from a camber board to a flat rocker while he was at the end of a beginner stage (still sometimes afraid to link turns) and it opened up the sport for him. He now rides like a champ and I'm going to introduce him to my old camber speed demon - the Burton balance - this week. We'll see how it goes.


This is super helpful. I’m currently riding a camber board (my first ever board. Glad I started with camber). I’m looking at a hybrid for my next board.


Best video about snowboard profiles. Direct, short and informative. What a great job!


The best descriptions I've found so far. Very clear. Thank you!


My first board was the Elan Prodigy Rocker. Helped me progress with my turns, but over years I got more experienced and also wanted a more stable flex, so now I only ride full on camber boards.


I bought an all mountain freestyle rocker as a beginner board but I must say that I can carve pretty well with it. Because of the flexibility I can also carve very short turns without too much trouble.


I started with some cheap soft camber board and rode on it for couple of years. Then I had Slash Brainstorm which was some kind of Hybrid. Few days ago I received Nitro Alternator - as I missed power comming out of camber and I am excited to test it this winter. Piece !


I been snowboarding 25 years. Camber is all we had. Went to flat, to rocker to hybrid. Rocker is probably my favorite for butters rails and pow but doesn't have much pop. Hybrid is not as loose but has mad pop. All depends on personal preference, conditions and riding style. Great video though.


I got from green to double blacks on traditional camber. When hybrid rocker became a thing i bought into it. Regretted it so much because I couldn't charge as hard as i did before. My favorite company is still clinging on their rocker designs. What a shame. Wish this video was out back then! Great job explaining


I learned on a stiff camber board (159w Salomon patrol) as camber was the only thing available and while it was not forgiving at all and is a fast board once I got the hang of it even though I’m still only intermediate but will do black runs on powder days it carves and comes out of it so fast it is really a joy when holding a rhythm. I bought a gnu 157.5 c2 riders choice about 4-5 years ago as everyone kept telling me full rocker is the way to go (and this is from good riders) but I didn’t want to go full rocker and was looking for something more versatile I could ride all day without getting worn out (the stiff camber does take a lot out of you) but so far I’ve only got to use it a handful of times and beginning to think I maybe made a mistake. I couldn’t get over how it never feels like your in control and holding a line and could never tell if it’s just me or if this is what they mean by float? I don’t know how that’s supposed to be better for a beginner when it just never actually feels like your in control. I definitely need to put more time on it but wish there were reviews like this at the time to better explain what each does rather than just hype up the latest. I guess worst case I have my powder day board (which I think hybrid is supposed to be better for) and just continue to use my OG camber board most of the time since it’s still in great shape.


Rode NS hybrid for longest time. Just got Ride Kink with Camber. 🤯 a whole new chapter of riding. Anyone who hasn’t ridin Camber…. Your missing out bad.
