Scranton City Council Public Meeting 4-11-23

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Scranton City Council
William King - President - Rules
Mark McAndrew - Vice President - Public Safety
Dr. Jessica Rothchild - Community Development
Thomas S. Schuster - Finance
Gerald Smurl - Public Works
Sean Gallagher, Esquire - Solicitor
Frank J. Voldenberg - City Clerk

Public Safety - Dr. Jessica Rothchild
Finance - Gerald Smurl
Rules / Community Development - Mark McAndrew
Public Works - Thomas Schuster
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Side walks on Capouse Ave where School Transportation houses it's vehicles need to be deconstructed and repaved do to deterioration and corroding also on the corner of Capouse and Penn Ave across from Paisano's where a electric industrial company once occupied needs to be demolished and the area cleared of over grown vegetation so a new business can occupy the lot where it's know condemned or for the least part decently looking like a clean area please and thank you City council of Scranton.


6, 000 in property taxes we pay only 3, 500 talk about getting robbed


I maybe be over Stepping myself with this next statement
Though I'm going to proceed regardless,
For love of god can council seated members of the board
Allow their expression of their faces to be more positive in light of representation while participating in council meeting so as to not seem like you feel as if you're misbehaved children or that your expression is so cold it could chill the very council meeting place as if death it's self bestowed the very room where you are gathering !
Lighten up try to have a more positive expression 😁
