Scranton City Council Public Meeting. 6-13-23

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Scranton City Council June 13 2023
Tonights live stream was terminated by YouTube due to a technical error.
Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

William King - President - Rules
Mark McAndrew - Vice President - Public Safety
Dr. Jessica Rothchild - Community Development
Thomas S. Schuster - Finance
Gerald Smurl - Public Works
Sean Gallagher, Esquire - Solicitor
Frank J. Voldenberg - City Clerk

Public Safety - Dr. Jessica Rothchild
Finance - Gerald Smurl
Rules / Community Development - Mark McAndrew
Public Works - Thomas Schuster
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Look. If the city was truly serious about preventing people from jumping into the gorge, i.e., serious about preventing the very real possibility of death, it would erect a sign listing the dates and number of deaths of those who entered the gorge. That, at least, would give pause to *some* who might enter.


Please bring Ray Lyman back! He was the best communicator in the city. Heyna er no?


The guy about the fire house. From Las Vegas. Sounds like a mobster trying to lay low in PA. Witness protection perhaps. 😂


37:25 Penn State guy needs to join forces with this woman in rambling on about themselves and nothing.


He's right about the heart attack issue caused by loud noise. I researched it years ago. So all of these EMTs & ambulances? Blaring their sirens to render aid? Are actually CAUSING heart attacks and probably deaths, too. They're just too damn loud.


RAYMOND LYMAN is more famous on this channel than anyone in Scranton history. Name the expressway after him, not SloppyJoe


54:00….the best thing since ray Lyman🤣


54:00 someone please buy this man some scissors so he can clip off the tags bouncing around on his cap.


The fact that the city is hiring people without asking council for waivers for residency shows the incompetence of the administration


Whereas, I don't let any celebration or recognition of any creed, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, historical event (other than those traditionally recognized and rooted in American history), race or lineage, HIJACK my personal celebration and enjoyment of the calendar's months and the beautiful seasons bestowed by the Creator. In other words, I don't celebrate any particular nation or saint in March. I celebrate the end of Winter and beginning of Spring!! 😊. In May, I don't celebrate any single day (for e.g., the fifth); I celebrate the first plants and animals, to bloom and arrive respectively, whether forget-me-nots, chives or bumblebees. In June, I don't celebrate any method or manner of having sex. 😣 I celebrate the blooming beauty and regeneration of life and nature. In July, I celebrate my nation's Independence day. Nothing else. I have nothing against your Hallmark holiday celebrations, your causes, activism or recently-created federal holidays, but I do choose to opt out of recognizing them. And please don't make assumptions about me because I do. For me, they just ruin experiencing the changing seasons and months, by cluttering them.. Sorry, not a fan. I ignore all of it.
