Special Scranton City Council Meeting 12-01-22

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00:00 Opening Remarks
03:12 Robert Gowin–Collins
16:33 John Howe
41:53 Gerald Smurl
52:34 Joseph Matyjevich
Scranton City Council has called for a special meeting in order to conduct interviews for the vacant seat on Scranton City Council. Said meeting is scheduled to take place on, Thursday, December 1, 2022 at 6:00 P.M. in City Council Chambers, Second Floor, Municipal Building, 340 North Washington Avenue, Scranton, PA.
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🤣🤣🤣 lmao!! wow!! this is comedy!! 🤣


How can any of these characters be considered for the council when NONE of them informed the board and the public of their sexual orientation and desires???? Isn't that now an essential qualification and consideration when seeking office? We don't know their pronouns nor do we have any idea on their LGBTQ+P status. It's very disappointing that Dr Rothschild didn't make it clear and get to the bottom of this issue. We need to know their sex life. It's a matter of public concern and public issue.
