My Take: James White Vs Leighton Flowers | Calvinism Vs Provisionism #calvinism #debate

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Can you explain the connection between universalism and non-theistic determinism?


If you cannot present an argument for something you believe and instead must resort to argument ad hominem, you are not even at the sophist level.


Can you please explain how Provisionism is a form of non-theistic determinism? The stance says that God gave us an ability to respond to His call. Therefore since we are able to respond He is not the cause of our damnation, but our lack of faith in Him is.

I understand what you’re trying to say when you compare provision ism to atheism/universalism however, you’re making a big error. For a universalist, it would make God evil for sending anyone to hell because we didn’t choose to be here or any other reason they would say. They would say the people who are in hell are there because God sent them there However, provision ism, says God provided the atoning blood of his Son to all who believe. Therefore, if you don’t believe it is not God, who is sending you to hell for something that he determined, but for your lack of faith in him, if you look at the theological and philosophical conclusions of theistic determinism, you will realize that everything that came to pass or will come to pass Happen because God determined it to. With that being said everyone that is in hell is there because ultimately God determined it. I understand and read, how compatibilism works however, you still still come to the same conclusion of a God determining everything. Can you please explain how compatible gives us any free will (I understand this is not libertarian free Will ) ?If If God determined for us to reject him, and we reject Him did we do so freely or did God determine for us to reject him? I cannot see how one can make the argument that there is ever a free choice if God is determining us to do so the two simply cannot coexist. With all that being said, provision, ism and universalism are saying two completely different things. Provision ism put the blameworthiness on man because we did not respond positively to his call whereas universalism put the blame on God for creating us in the first place. I understood what you were trying to say but respectfully, I think you’re grasp on provision ism is not fully there.

I appreciate the video, brother I hope we can have great conversation in the future. ✝️


Disagree with you = you do not understand.
