James White DESTROYS James White: On John 6:44

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In this episode of Christian versus Protestant, we see how the Protestant James White, of Alpha and Omega Ministries, DESTROYS the teachings of... James White, of Alpha and Omega Ministries. James allows us to catch a glimpse of his... let's say "creative"... style of reading, and his less than stellar grasp on how logic works.

WATCH the Previous Sections:

Christian Versus Protestant Playlist:

Christian vs. Protestant on Romans 8:29-30 (The Golden Chain of Redemption):

The Men in Black & Romans 9:

Debunking the Ridiculous Man-Made and Anti-Christian teaching of “Sola Scriptura”:
Christian vs. Protestant on 2 Timothy 3 [Round 1: Slick Moves]:
The Little "White" Lies that form Sola Scriptura:
The Authorities:

Learn about the Origins of the Bible:
Authorities in Christ's Church (playlist):
Spot the Fakes:

LEARN how Christians can Lose their salvation:
Bring 'Em Back: Girl Defined / Can a Christian Lose Their Salvation?:
Vine and Branches:

Here is Douglas Beaumont’s article:

See Mr. White's crash and burn attempt to hide the facts in Douglas Beaumont's article:

If you're interested in learning about Christianity, then please subscribe, watch, and comment with any questions/information/thoughts on the topics discussed, and request topics!

This is "How to be Christian". Have a great day!

#ChristianVSProtestant #BibleStudy #Christian
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Hey, really enjoyed your video, even though I'm a Protestant. I have long been weary of the smug attitude and unfair treatment White makes on others.

However, I do have a little bone to pick at your criticism of Sola Scriptura (even though I hold that doctrine very loosely if at all. I do think Prima Scriptura is probably a better approach). Like you point out clearly, a given passage often has multiple valid interpretations. However, while all Christians would do well to listen to the Church Fathers for guidance (even the Reformers did this, albeit they almost exclusively favoured Augustine over others), an important aspect of Sola Scriptura is the concept of "Scripture interprets itself", meaning when there are multiple interpretations, look for one that best fit in with other parts of the whole canon. White does attempt this with John 6:37, but does so poorly which you point out. However, the approach itself was not at fault, just White's specific use of it.

I just think your reductionistic dichotomy regarding this point ("reading John 6 repeatedly won't change anything") was quite limited and was worth pointing out. That being said, you got yourself a subscriber and I look forward to your other content.


The fact that "a child" destroyed an adult using his own arguments about him is impressive


I am a protestant, and this video was recommended by Sam Shamoun. But I am interested in becoming a Catholic.


It's obvious that Christian YouTube is in a great era of flourishing. This is some of the freshest stuff I've seen in years. Well done my dude


I abandoned Protestantism in November of 2016. I love your videos. My father is a protestant minister. These help me.


Can't wait. It is so fun to watch this series.


Your videos are one of the reasons I am no longer a protestant.


Great episode! We're in the process of joining the Church as well.


Found this channel today.

I was born and raised a Catholic but never truly practiced it. As a young kid I thoroughly enjoyed being an altar server, but as I got older, going to church was not cool. Fast forward, I stopped thinking God cared at about me and abandoned me. I was heavily addicted to drugs and alcohol through my 20s, up until 36 a pretty wild ride, to say the least. I got sober at 36 and went back to a Christian Church. I really loved the community, but something was missing. July 7-9 I went on a spiritual retreat led by a Catholic order of priests. I went to Mass and left feeling a hole filled inside of me that was there since I was a young kid. Over the past couple of months, I have came back to this beautiful faith full steam ahead. My life is now all about our Lord 24-7 and I haven't felt this good in a long time. God never abandoned me. He was there the whole time carrying me. I now want to make sure everyone who thought Jesus was not with them comes to realize he was there the whole time.

I say all this to just let you know you are now my Top 3 favorite Christian Youtuber 😂😂😂😂

God Bless!


I’m an atheist that thoroughly enjoys reading biblical scripture, enjoys biblical history, and reading other literature from biblical eras. I also enjoy logic studies, . Your logical analysis of other’s teachings is refreshing.


Your videos are superb! Love from Ethiopia orthodox brother and we are using your videos to destroy Protestant arguments here in Ethiopia.


This was brutal. You guys actually made Dr.? James White walk-back on verse 44 to consider the whole of chapter 6. This is progress. Slow progress, but progress nevertheless. Bravo!


James white would make a good lawyer. Seems like he wants to win despite not saying the truth.


One full hour of How to Be Christian? Must be my lucky day


This video was so good, man! I'm new to this channel and new to Catholicism (currently in RCIA) but even when I was Protestant I wasn't a Calvinist and didn't support their interpretations of John 6. However, watching you unpack the faulty logic behind their interpretations was excellent. I probably spent over 2 hours on this video due to all the pausing and rewinding I did to take it all in and makes sense of it. Well worth the time. Keep up the great work!


"The problem with Calvin is that he will not admit how much God loves us!" -St. Robert Bellarmine-


"Last week, I responded to a fellow who seems rather unhinged to me. His behavior is erratic, childish, " SAID *JAMES WHITE*

The man has the self-awareness of a cucumber.


I just found this channel yesterday and I am hooked. The logic you use, the exposition, and the analogies to clarify all make this channel well worth rewatching. I grew up evangelical but to be honest I just wanted to read and understand the Bible so I could tell people about Jesus and they could be saved. Then a few years ago I ran into Calvinism and sadly I found out that people really do believe that Jesus died for a select few and considered my points of view semi pelagian, unbiblical, etc ... And so to say that rocked my faith over and over again is an understatement. I prayed to God a lot though and pressed on seeking the truth even if reformed theology was the answer and ended up finding Soteriology 101 among other channels. After examining the eisegesis, precommitments and misreading of the texts I can now understand that I was not wrong in doubting this doctrine, and thankfully I am not alone. I'm happy to say I'll be checking this channel regularly as your content is quite fascinating, and not to mention burst out loud funny (like the bit about James White speaking on souls 🕺🎼)

Bless you brother


I was Calvinist (now Eastern Orthodox) for a few years and left largely because of James White. His debate with Trent and further research into perseverance of the saints (or similar ideas like OSAS or eternal security) cut the legs out from under it. Tried to stay Protestant and go Lutheran but, despite myself, I came to Orthodoxy. Much love for my Catholic brethren, glad I finally watched this but now there is more to tackle!


I used to follow James White. Im ashamed to say so. The alarm for anyone should be the fact that he doesn't open up his videos for comments. Tell tail sign.
