The World’s Most SHREDDED Man?!?

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Helmut Strebl is considered by many to be the world’s most shredded man, but how does he do it. Walking around all year at a body fat percentage of under 4 percent is insane. So much so, it is not something most men should aspire to do since they will likely cost themselves their health in the process.
In order to get low body fat you are going to have to create a caloric deficit. This will allow your body to burn fat. To create an extremely low level of body fat, you will have to maintain this type of deficit for a lot longer than most. This is not a type of leanness that you can obtain on short notice.
That said, what makes his phsyique that much more impressive is the amount of muscle that he has been able to maintain even at these extremely low levels of body fat. This is where the question of PED usage can come in. It is thought to be next to impossible to carry high levels of muscle while in an extremely low level of body fat.
We are not talking even 5-10 percent body fat, as the ability to obtain and maintain even this slight increase above Helmut’s body fat levels is far more sustainable and able to be done without the same risks to ones long term health.
I like to use an analogy when it comes to getting shredded and ripped. Everyone of us was given an implement to dig with when we were born. This is based on genetics. The deeper the hole you dig with your tool, the lower your body fat will be. Some have been given shovels. Some have been dealt the unfortunate hand to have to use a teaspoon. Helmut, he was given a backhoe.
The idea is however, even the person with the spoon can dig a very deep hole if they are able to stay persistent with their efforts. It will definitely take them longer to get to the bottom, but with consistency they will be able to dig.
Likewise, even in the case of the person with the backhoe, stepping away from the machine and doing nothing will never let them keep digging the hole lower.
Bottom line is, don’t get discouraged by your levels of body fat. They can always be decreased. You just have to ask yourself what level of sacrifice you are comfortable trading off in order to get extremely low. Most people will find that when they ask themselves this question that they just aren’t prepared to give up the things that help them keep their sanity, completely, in order to get to a body fat level that doesn’t even bring them the happiness that they thought that it would in the first place.
Moderation, as always, tends to be the right approach to diet and getting ripped and lean.
For more tips on how to get lean and ripped, be sure to stay tuned to this channel and remember to subscribe so that you never miss another video from a physical therapist with a pro sports background as a PT and strength coach.
Jeff Cavaliere MSPT, CSCS served as both the head physical therapist and assistant strength coach for the New York Mets. Jeff earned his Masters of Physical Therapy and Bachelor’s of Physioneurobiology from the College of Health Sciences University of Connecticut Storrs. He is a certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).
In order to get low body fat you are going to have to create a caloric deficit. This will allow your body to burn fat. To create an extremely low level of body fat, you will have to maintain this type of deficit for a lot longer than most. This is not a type of leanness that you can obtain on short notice.
That said, what makes his phsyique that much more impressive is the amount of muscle that he has been able to maintain even at these extremely low levels of body fat. This is where the question of PED usage can come in. It is thought to be next to impossible to carry high levels of muscle while in an extremely low level of body fat.
We are not talking even 5-10 percent body fat, as the ability to obtain and maintain even this slight increase above Helmut’s body fat levels is far more sustainable and able to be done without the same risks to ones long term health.
I like to use an analogy when it comes to getting shredded and ripped. Everyone of us was given an implement to dig with when we were born. This is based on genetics. The deeper the hole you dig with your tool, the lower your body fat will be. Some have been given shovels. Some have been dealt the unfortunate hand to have to use a teaspoon. Helmut, he was given a backhoe.
The idea is however, even the person with the spoon can dig a very deep hole if they are able to stay persistent with their efforts. It will definitely take them longer to get to the bottom, but with consistency they will be able to dig.
Likewise, even in the case of the person with the backhoe, stepping away from the machine and doing nothing will never let them keep digging the hole lower.
Bottom line is, don’t get discouraged by your levels of body fat. They can always be decreased. You just have to ask yourself what level of sacrifice you are comfortable trading off in order to get extremely low. Most people will find that when they ask themselves this question that they just aren’t prepared to give up the things that help them keep their sanity, completely, in order to get to a body fat level that doesn’t even bring them the happiness that they thought that it would in the first place.
Moderation, as always, tends to be the right approach to diet and getting ripped and lean.
For more tips on how to get lean and ripped, be sure to stay tuned to this channel and remember to subscribe so that you never miss another video from a physical therapist with a pro sports background as a PT and strength coach.
Jeff Cavaliere MSPT, CSCS served as both the head physical therapist and assistant strength coach for the New York Mets. Jeff earned his Masters of Physical Therapy and Bachelor’s of Physioneurobiology from the College of Health Sciences University of Connecticut Storrs. He is a certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).