The Chimp Paradox - Dumbed Down Pseudo-Psychology - A Review

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The Chimp Paradox by Steve Peters is a very popular intro to self help book that argues that you can split your brain/personality into a Chimp half (irrational, emotive, needy, undisciplined) and a human half (rational, calm, driven). For those unfamiliar with any psychological concepts this can be a useful exercise but ultimately is baseless, unscientific and copies the theories of far more accomplished psychologists and dumbs them down in a profoundly unhelpful way.
I am not impressed by this book. It is a slog to get through, feels like it is written for 15 year olds and is unhelpful in the approaches it tries to take to self help. Actual psychological concepts and personality are explained by Jordan Peterson online for free in an extremely informative manor that this book cannot compare too. I would recommend you watch his Personality and Transformation series for a grounding in psychology and personality that is infinitely more helpful than this book.
Overall not recommended. There are better self help books on the market that don't view your emotions as antagonistic to your rationality and instead focus on integrating the passions and relationality to become a more complete person. Big on promises, lacking in substance
I am not impressed by this book. It is a slog to get through, feels like it is written for 15 year olds and is unhelpful in the approaches it tries to take to self help. Actual psychological concepts and personality are explained by Jordan Peterson online for free in an extremely informative manor that this book cannot compare too. I would recommend you watch his Personality and Transformation series for a grounding in psychology and personality that is infinitely more helpful than this book.
Overall not recommended. There are better self help books on the market that don't view your emotions as antagonistic to your rationality and instead focus on integrating the passions and relationality to become a more complete person. Big on promises, lacking in substance