Why Are RARE PLANTS SO Expensive? | Exotic Tropical Houseplants

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Today we're talking about rare/sought after plants: Calathea Orbifolia, Black Raven ZZ, Philodendron Micans, Dioon edule, Pink Princess Philodendron, Monstera Standleyana Albo, and the Monstera Deliciosa Thai Constellation.

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In this video we go over:
Why is the Monstera Thai Constellation so expensive
Why is is the Pink Princess Philodendron so expensive
What makes the Standleyana so rare
Why is the Black Raven ZZ so expensive
Why does the Calathea Orbifolia brown
Why are variegated plants so hard to grow
Why are albino plants so hard to grow

0:00 Intro
0:21 Calathea Orbifolia Price
1:04 Black Raven ZZ Price
1:26 Philodendron Micans Price
1:50 Dioon edule (fossil plant) Price
2:15 Pink Princess Philodendron Price
2:49 Monstera Standleyana Albo variegata Price
3:35 Monstera Deliciosa Thai Constellation Price
4:00 Rare plants take a long time to grow
4:45 Share the video with a friend!

Music by Harris Heller, Stream Beats

#ThaiConstellation #PinkPrincessPhilodendron #RarePlants
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Thank you so much for making such an honest and thorough video! I’m obsessed with collecting plants have been truly curious about why some of them are these exorbitant amounts of money. Would you ever make a video about how to avoid plant seller scammers in the community and how much these plants SHOULDNT be? I’ve heard some horror stories from people getting ripped off on Etsy and Instagram daily.


Thank you for the succinct, informative and well structured video! I was wondering why some philodendrons are so expensive when they only have a different colour. Got an exact answer


I have lots of white wizard and pink princess plants with me the grow not much slow


Oops! Clear~up & likely throw out most of these plants from the Previous House Owners in many household gardens! Just realised, some of the rare Philodendron can fetch up to a S$42, 000 per plant price in some market! Better check out their prices before throwing them out! 🕯🌷🌿🌍


Those brown spots are likely due to fluoride toxicity because they're being watered with fluoridated tap water.
