'The Founding Father of the Animal Liberation Movement' | Peter Singer | EAGxVirtual 2023
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A transformative thinker whose work fuelled an ongoing revolution, Singer is renowned for inspiring the modern animal protection movement as we know it. Thanks to his ground-breaking book – Animal Liberation – Singer successfully awakened an entire generation, sparking a global movement in defense of animals exploited in factory farms and laboratories.
In this exclusive fireside chat, hosted by Abigail Penny of Animal Equality UK, visionary philosopher Peter Singer reflects on the ever-evolving landscape of animal rights activism. In celebration of the recent publication of Animal Liberation Now, a fully updated version of the 1975 classic, and in anticipation of his forthcoming book release: The Buddhist and the Ethicist, this discussion touches upon the animal advocacy movement’s triumphs, challenges, and prospective opportunities.
In this exclusive fireside chat, hosted by Abigail Penny of Animal Equality UK, visionary philosopher Peter Singer reflects on the ever-evolving landscape of animal rights activism. In celebration of the recent publication of Animal Liberation Now, a fully updated version of the 1975 classic, and in anticipation of his forthcoming book release: The Buddhist and the Ethicist, this discussion touches upon the animal advocacy movement’s triumphs, challenges, and prospective opportunities.