Jordan Peterson Debunks Intersectionality and White Privilege

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Jordan Peterson is a professor of psychology at the university of toronto. In this clip, he debunks the myth of white privilege and intersectionality and explains their relation to Marxism and Postmodernism.

#peterson #debunks #intersectionality

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As a working class white dude here I'm still searching for the white privilege I've been told I had. It's gotta be here somewhere.


When there is no personal accountability, blaming will always be directed on external factors.


“The individual is the ultimate minority.” Well said Dr Peterson, well said.


Privilege is not dependent on skin color. It is dependent on power. I have worked in China and Japan and when working and living in these cultures it is clear my skin color does not give me privilege. My power is dependent on my culture which is dependent on group association. Outside my group I lose power (privilege) This is why inter-sectionality is simply a power grab by one group from another. It is taking something through  coercion. Because the desire for power is a universal human instinct there will always be those without power trying to acquire power. If men have more power than women than women as a group will seek to acquire the power that men have " Through group association" (feminism). Not having power creates the desire to associate with others to acquire power.


There are two factors to ones success, luck and hard work. Some people are born lucky. They might be physically gifted with looks, strength or other attributes. They might be mentally gifted with drive, intelligence, or other factors. They might be circumstantially lucky with status, location, or wealth. Yet...being born lucky does not guarantee success. Hard work will increase one's chances of success, but not guarantee it. The only thing you can control though, is how hard you work. So, increase your luck. Work hard.


I've never understood why postmodernism ever embraced intersectionality in the 1980's. The whole thing seems like a meta-narative.


Post Modernist thought process amounts to conjecture. You can't approach a self involved person of conjecture and make a difference.


The problem is that no one wants to take personal accountability today!


He asked why did they choose those particular attributes over others; because they were the largest groups they could access and hope to influence


Privilege is irrelevant. Privilege comes in the form of being better looking, taller, smarter, richer, more talented, etc. The real question, and the only question is did you attain your privilege because of malfeasance or inequity. If so, people are justified to complain. If not, it's simply a matter of good fortune that nobody can be faulted for. It is not a privilege to live in the country your people built. It is a privilege to be treated equally in a country built by others.


When you get down to it logically categorizing fractionates all the way down to the individual.  Accordingly, we, as our selves, are responsible for our own actions and successes or failures.  I firmly believe that the reason the US has lasted so long is because it recognizes and safeguards the sanctity of the individual against the dangers of humans (groups or individuals) and governments to stomp on the individual.


Dr. P may have eluded that "the concept of Privilege (male, white, etc.) only exists because of an indoctrined "victim mentality".". He probably didn't, and I've simply distilled that from countless hours of trying to understand him and countless others, all trying to make sense of things.


“I’m gonna go on for 5 more minutes.”

10 minutes later 😂


Post modernist response to Dr. Peterson: "Lalalalalalala I'm not listening to you!!"

Then the MSM trumpets that as a triumph of human achievement.


Peterson, your analysis is flaud and simplifying human behaviour without giving consideration to the historical, economical and psychological impact of behaviour on different social groups, the negative reactions and its impact on the very society.


In a nut shell the black community I feel cling on to an almost victim mentality. This has rippled through the generations. As an Irish man my people were tortured and enslaved raped and murdered for over 800 years. We had to flee our lands to the four corners of the earth. Our ancestors died in the very fields they toiled in because of the British . But we didn’t let this past define us. The black community needs to do the same, take responsibility for their actions and move forward towards a better future. Not defined by the past .


I'd like to go back in time and tell my younger self that I had white privilege, or any other privilege. I would think my future self a nut case. We didn't have running water much/ less hot water without heating it on the stove. We didn't have an indoor bathroom and bathing once a week was a privilege. A new pair of shoes once a year at Christmas was a privilege. I didn't think of such things as privilege. I was just happy to get that new pair of shoes. Didn't like digging under snow for the coal for heat in winter but did it anyway because I liked being warm in the house. We did have three bedrooms, one for mom and dad, one for my sister, and one for us three boys. White privilege? LOL. Just being alive living in a country that gives me the freedom to have any privilege at all.


You know there is more than twice as many white people living below the poverty line as blacks. There is a higher percentage of blacks in comparison to there overall numbers. But you can lineup single parent households with both variations amongst the racial line.


I remember reading and having to incorporate that 'white privilege' list when I was a student teacher in college!


In analyzing Jordan Peterson’s lecture on intersectionality and white privilege, several logical errors can be identified:

1. Strawman Argument: Peterson misrepresents the views of intersectionality and white privilege proponents. He portrays them as simplistic and illogical without addressing the more nuanced arguments made by scholars in these fields.
2. Hasty Generalization: He generalizes the entire field of intersectionality based on a single paper, claiming that it lacks empirical backing and is methodologically flawed. This ignores the substantial body of rigorous academic work that exists on these topics.
3. False Dichotomy: Peterson suggests that recognizing white privilege is equivalent to racism, as it attributes group characteristics to individuals. This is a false dichotomy as it oversimplifies the concept of systemic privilege and ignores the complexities of social identities.
4. Appeal to Ridicule: He mocks the concepts of intersectionality and white privilege without providing substantive counterarguments, which undermines the seriousness of the discussion.
5. Ad Hominem: By dismissing the field of intersectionality as pseudo-discipline and its scholars as resentful activists, Peterson attacks the character of those involved rather than engaging with their arguments.
6. Circular Reasoning: He claims post-modernists and intersectionalists dismiss logical coherence as a patriarchal construct, which he uses to dismiss their arguments without actually addressing the substance of those arguments.
