TOP 5 BEST SURVIVAL BACKPACK ON AMAZON 2021 | Maxpedition, 5 11, First Tactical, Mystery Ranch, Heli

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1. Maxpedition Falcon II

2. 5.11 RUSH Backpack

3. Mystery Ranch Two Day Assault

4. First Tactical Tactix

5. Helikon Tex Racoon Mk2

#Tactical #Survival #Backpack
Рекомендации по теме

1. Maxpedition Falcon II

2. 5.11 RUSH Backpack

3. Mystery Ranch Two Day Assault

4. First Tactical Tactix

5. Helikon Tex Racoon Mk2


thank you for your service, would love to see a video on long term survival packs, if things go bad in 2024 what is a good long term survival bag?


I ve seen plenty of vids on this … I also carry an emergency carry pack ….i still look up any new ideas and gadgets ….this is the best one so far ….you gave me some great tips and ideas …well done ….


Only one backpack is showed a back support panel and other one just explained, it's ok also. Personally, comfortable fitting on the shoulders and back with heavy weight is also important structure as same as molly expandable capacity. Most of sales points are how well organize it, not how comfortable it is. It doesn't matter 120L or 25L. I believe this kind of utilized and tactical concept backpack should show to customer that how my arms can move freely and how easily and quickly can use the item on the shoulder straps with one hand. Especially, if they want to sale for people in the service. At least, I think, it needs the back support frame from 30L.


5.11 being on there is wild cause every 5.11 bag I've owned has failed in one way or another in less than a 6 months.


Whenever someone starts off with "I have X number of years as an operator", you know it's time to scroll on. Got 30 years experience in BS is what you have, and you found some suckers to buy into your little fantasy.


Don't forget a roll of toilet paper. If you have to go take a kim chee squat, at least you can wipe. Something most people dont think about. A pack of baby wipes. Handy to keep your hands clean or to wipe down your face.


It's such a shame that the whole weight of this pack is relying on two straps that are VELCROED to the pack. Are... you... kidding me.
Nah, I'll stick to the 72. POOP ON THIS! hahahahaha


Buttpack are juste a fannypack backward


Very opinionated view. Sounds like a paid review. Maxpedition are decent packs. Personally, I think they are way overpriced for what you get. There are several equally made packs for less than half the price.
