Being PREGNANT IN GERMANY - 10 Things I Hate

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Hey rabbits!
A few days ago I uploaded a short video in which I told you that I was pregnant again. Understandably, my head if full of thoughts about the baby, so I decided to combine our current life situation and my channel's theme for today's video. I brainstormed a bit and try to answer the following question: What is it like to be pregnant in Germany?
It must have been the pregnancy hormones that made me think about the bad stuff only - so the video turned out to be a rant. I hope you don't mind. Have fun watching and enjoy listening to the 10 things I hate about being pregnant in Germany.







Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

"Punch Swoosh Series" (modified)
Source: YouTube Audio Library


Adobe Premiere Elements 12
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Bumper sticker on midwife's car, I saw "Midwives - Helping people out".


Das schlimmste an einer Schwangerschaft sind aber immer noch andere schwangere Frauen, die dir ständig versuchen irgendwo reinzureden. Ich denke mir jedes Mal einfach nur: "Lass mich mein Kind doch einfach bitte so gebären, wie ich das möchte, meine Güte." Aber selbst nach der Schwangerschaft hört es einfach nicht auf, dann bin ich auf einmal eine schlechte Mutter, wenn ich meinem Kind "Zu kantige" Spielsachen zum Spielen gebe. 🙄


I'm not German nor do I live in Germany, I've never even been to Germany though I'm sure its a wonderful country. I'm not pregnant nor will I be anytime soon... why am I here?


When my mother was pregnant with me in Germany, we lived in a pretty ( at the time ) racist town.
My father is from Egypt and after I was all done and ready to be hold etc. My dad asked for a blanket, because I seemed uncomfortable, but the lady just said 'Get it yourself!',
my still half unconscious mom the suddenly stood up and said 'How dare you talk to my husband like that?!'
The lady just started to panic.

Thought I’d share it at this point


Point 7 ist something, which I notice a LOT as a French guy in Germany. Every time I "complain", Germans tend to "complain back", they tell me that they are in a similar or even worse situations, sometimes they even tell me that I have no right to complain BECAUSE they are in a worse place. They rarely just show empathy, they often make it something about themselfs. I think a lot of germans think "Geteiltes Leid ist halbes Leid" is the best approach for comforting people.


I just had my first baby here in Hamburg. I am an American but have been living here three years so I did not expect to have another round of culture shock when it came to my expectations of pregnancy and the experience. The biggest thing for me was almost never being offered a seat on the bus. I take public transportation almost every day because of my job. I figured it was common courtesy to offer a seat up to an older person or a pregnant woman because of how I was raised. Not true here. It even happened a few times in my 3rd trimester that I would ask to sit down and people would flat out refuse to get up, saying that they were there first and why couldn't I just stand... There were, of course, also positive experiences with people here in Hamburg, but that really stood out to me.


I’m an American and I feel exactly the way you do about everything and it does make me feel better, that somebody has shared the same experiences that I have with a bad doctor, and how some people can be, but what matters is that you’re happy, congratulations on your pregnancy, I wish you much happiness.. I’m also 3 months pregnant, and your video definitely makes me feel better, cause I’m around some negativity and was feeling down about myself, so thank you very much for sharing..


Mid-twenties is a time of culling and refining one's group of friends. It's a little stressful, but helps you a lot going forward


Die Spacefrogs haben schon Babys mit Brot verglichen. Daran musste ich grade denken! ^^ Babys haben den Vorteil, dass sie Glutenfrei sind... lol


I'm American, but can relate to every single one of your points here, especially the announcement and friends aspect.

I could write a paragraphs on how much of a struggle it has been to have not just friends but even family be lukewarm or even completely dissappear after my boyfriend and I announced at 23 weeks we suddenly were expecting. I am at 30+4 weeks now and it seems that trend will be continuing sadly.


Zu Punkt 5: In Deutschland hat theoretisch jeder eine Krankenversicherung und der Arztbesuch wird von dieser bezahlt, in den Englischen Foren sind hingegen viele Leute aus Ländern unterwegs in denen jeder Arztbesuch von einem selber bezahlt werden bzw das Geld vorgestreckt werden muss, dass dadurch eine andere Mentalität entsteht, dürfte verständlich sein, jeder möchte seinem Kind das Beste geben, aber es ist gar nicht immer möglich, weil man es sich nicht leisten kann.


I loved this video, but I feel the need to defend one behavior mentioned. I am one of those women who says congratulations, genuinely means it, but has no desire to know more. Its not because I am not over jo6ed for the mom to be, I am but I am steryle rather then bring them down with my own struggle and very real pain knowing I will never be able to experance there joy, I end up being quite and if there natural and reasonable exuberance and joy becomes too painful for me I spend less time with them just to protect myself. I know my situation isn't everyones, but it is one example of why some may be less exuberant but no less happy for you


Gutes Video :) ich wünsche dir noch viel Glück in der Schwangerschaft und hoffe, dass alles gut läuft. Grüße😊


7. In America the exact opposite problem, say you don't want kids, and they all judge the crap out of you. If you get pregnant here is the BEST THING EVER, which is awesome, but if you don't join the cult of the divine baby you are selfish and never truly a real adult.


Hi Trixie, viewer from the US here. The mention of 200 euros for the rare disease testing... I thought at first it was 200 per visit. And I considered that to be really inexpensive! Our health care system is really messed up!


I am an American doc who has delivered babies. This video is needed and appreciated. You seem to be a well adjusted woman with normal, healthy thoughts and feelings. The negative or detached people you described would do well to become enlightened, to grow out of their holes in the ground and evolve into sensitive humans. You are a blessing to humanity, as is your presentation. Continue to be hopeful, for your baby is feeling all you are going stay away from those selfish robots who fail to support your beautiful maternal condition. Look up and live for the Best you can imagine . That is the best gift you can give to your baby and the world.


In response to friends who don't seem extremely excited for your pregnancy, but still give at least SOME congratulations: we don't like kids. So, to (some of) us, it's not a huge deal. We can be happy for you, but there isn't much to relate to in terms of raw excitement about a baby.

Congratulations, I'm glad that YOU'RE excited, because that's ask that really matters.


the advantages of being African and not needing a midwife, because you got Mom, Aunt, grandma, Moms friends, cousins, there is always someone 😅, You will find a midwife dont loose faith dear 🌸


Ich gehöre wohl zu der Fraktion, die eine eher kalte Reaktion zur freudigen Nachricht zeigen würde. Es ist allerdings nicht so, dass ich mich nicht freue, ganz im Gegenteil. Ich weiß nur schlicht und ergreifend nicht, was man in solchen Situationen sagen oder fragen kann, da ich mit Kindern praktisch kaum etwas am Hut habe. Bisher habe ich eher immer solche Sachen gebracht, wie: "Wow, Glückwunsch. Das ist ja krass. Öhm. Wann ist der Geburtstermin?" Das ist tatsächlich so ziemlich das Einzige, was mir zu dem Thema einfällt, so unverständlich das auch für die werdende Mutter sein mag. Die Fragen, die du genannt hast (13:54), habe ich mir direkt gemerkt für das nächste Mal, wenn mir eine Freundin von ihrer Schwangerschaft erzählen sollte.


Damn how did i miss the announcement.
That are awesome news.
And from what i heared your criticisms are on point.

So great video (as allways) and all the best whishes for you and your growing family.
Even though you shield you bunnys from YouTube a litte (which is the right choice imo) more updates are highly appreciated.
