MPW // A Complete Guide on how to use the Launchkey Mini MK3 \\ Xylo Aria

Показать описание
In this video we go through:
- The main functions of the Novation Lauchkey Mini MK3
- How to use the Launchkey Mini
- How to use the Arpeggiator and the Fixed Chord functions
- The Launchkey Mini's integration with Ableton Live
Please let us know if you have any questions!
More from Xylo Aria:
- The main functions of the Novation Lauchkey Mini MK3
- How to use the Launchkey Mini
- How to use the Arpeggiator and the Fixed Chord functions
- The Launchkey Mini's integration with Ableton Live
Please let us know if you have any questions!
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