Please Take Your Turmeric This Way to Get Full Absorption & Correct Results - Dr Mandell, D.C.

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Turmeric has miraculous healing abilities to keep your body pain free and healthy. Most people are not taking this herb correctly. Start making these simple changes and you will see wonders of healing for you and your loved ones!
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started turmeric, stopped metformin, lowered cholesteral (which was over 300) became pain free from arthritic joints, and lost 40 pounds.


I tried 1 cup of warm coconut milk, 1/2 tsp of turmeric powder, 1/2 tsp cinnamon powder, 1/2 tsp ginger, 1/4 tsp of black pepper, 1 tbsp of organic extra virgin coconut oil, and a heap of honey. it’s so good


Thank you. I was taking tumeric, ginger, cinnamon, black pepper with a squeeze of lemon every morning but with cold water or cold tea. Now I have learned something new....add warm liquid! I will try. However I have had amazing results with the cold liquid. I am 80 years old and have not seen a doctor in 40 years. I just went plant based two months ago. Wow! What energy!!! Yesterday I ran up my first hill in minutes. Now I am on to your videos Dr. Mandell. Wow! Hey let's close down these hospitals! The hospitals should be home based with plant based cuisine ( food is the medicine). Calling all doctors who want to come on board.


Thanks Doc. I take turmeric to kill the cancer cells. I was diagnosed with bladder cancer. I’m noticing the improvement in my body and so is my doctor. Thank you for this health information. Love you, Doc.❤️


I start my day off with hot turmeric tea every morning, 1 teaspoon of turmeric, 2 top of Bragg Apple Cider vinegar, cayenne pepper, half a fresh lemon, olive oil, and a bit of cinnamon. This helping me lose weight and helping to reduce the pain of rheumatoid arthritis in both knees. Thanks, doc for sharing


In India turmeric is used in everyday cooking and also in ayurvedic medicine. Turmeric has anticancer, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties. It's got a chemical called 'curcumin' that fights off cancer!!! One amazing natural substance that has so many health benefits!!!👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍.


Dr Mandell, you are one of life's true angels. Thank you.


I have asthma, I was using my inhaler several times in a daily basis... I started using a turmeric, ginger, black pepper, coconut oil and honey mix with hot water twice a day for 1 week, then one a day everyday, now I rarely use my inhaler. ITS AMAZING


Yes Dr thank you.
I'm from India 🇮🇳🙏.
Add the turmeric powder(cool ground) half spoon directly in vegetables and curry you prepare.
2) half spoon powder in hot pasterused milk without sugar.
It helps get rid of throat infection.
By the way we use the leaf of turmeric as base while preparing traditional sweet dishes like Modak (search in google)
In India it is essential ingredient
We consume2.5 kg of pow der every year.
Coconut oil mixed with turmeric powder is applied on body before taking bath.
The powder is applied on both cheeks of married women when they are invited by another married woman when congregation of married women takes place.
Even the sindhoor applied on woman's forehead contains turmeric powder
Don't hesitate to consume, go ahead
It is nature gift.


I sprinkled some in my oatmeal this morning with salted butter, cinnamon and brown sugar.
It was delicious.


You are amazing! I could just hug you! Man of God, you have helped me get a whole new life ♥


I love to add turmeric to my eggs and avocado, along with black pepper.


I was run down by a accesseride van on my block whicH boke my leg, fractured both ankles.Cracked 12&13th rib cage, fractured eye orbital socket, fractured both wrist and numerous cuts and brusies . I started using tumeric and curcumin everyday and after 7 months I have no inflamation and i am now runnung and working out again after 1 year of the accident. My doctors do not understand how at 61 my body has almost totally healed. I still use these 2 supplements everyday .. IT WORKS!!


For those complaining about the length of the video, you can increase the rate at which the runs. I just enjoy what he has to share, and his pace works for me.


Works fantastic on my arthritis for my ankle. Through silly things I have done in my youth, I have beaten my body up pretty good. Like falling off the trunk of moving cars, vehicle racing accidents, getting on a racehorse with no experience and someone spooking it among some a bunch of other stuff. I am a naturalist and abhor big pharma. About 3 years ago, the sins of my youth were starting to make themselves apparent. My ankle blew out in full arthritis, I could only hobble because the pain was very extensive. I did some research and came up with a recipe. I had taken a shot glass, put black pepper about the size of 3 grains of rice, then one half teaspoon of turmeric topped off with a third of a shot of extra virgin olive oil mix it up really well. Take in the morning and in the evening. It takes a while to kick in. This is a most fantastic anti inflammatory. This works on a molecular level not cellular. I have no pain whatsoever arthritically any where in my body and can now once again do my 10 kilometer walks 3 to 4 times per week. I swear by it. Do not go to your health food store. To expensive. Go to a bulk spice store and get what you need and fix yourself


I found that you spoke about the different amounts to take and didn't have a problem referring us to other avenues of information. I was really impressed with that. Thank you so much trustworthy!🙂💛👏


Thank you so much doctor mandell. I recently found out that I have type 2 diabetes and I've been using the freshly grated tumeric and ginger along with black pepper and sometimes I would put some coconut oil and I'm getting great results. Sometimes I pour some tumeric into fresh hot cow's milk also. My blood sugar level was at 23 when I was first diagnosed the 6th of June. On the 5th of August my blood sugar reading is 8.7. God is so good.


Hi, from India ! We use turmeric in Currys & all types of vegetables . With oils and black pepper including other spices .


Absolutely great information here. Thank you Dr.
I did my research on Turmeric and you are correct. Most are using it wrong and sadly missing out.


May our good Lord bless you even more and all the people who have been blessed
tremendously with so much intelligence and drive to help humanity live a healthier life. Thank you.
