You MUST Pass: The 9 CRUCIAL Tests Of Spiritual Awakening

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You MUST Pass The 9 CRUCIAL Tests Of Spiritual Awakening

In order to reach spiritual awakening you will encounter 9 tests and it’s crucial that you pass them. These tests stretch the fabric of your being until you can see through the veil of mundane existence and touch the divine essence of life itself.

Thank you for joining me on this journey.

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Рекомендации по теме

1. Experiencing the Void - 0:18
2. Transcending the Ego - 4:29
3. Fearing Mortality - 8:27
4. Heightened Intuition - 12:05
5. Seeing the Divine in Everything - 16:03
6. Solitude - 19:33
7. Impermanence - 23:24
8. Living without Judgement - 25:24
9. Inner Peace - 27:32


The tenth test is realizing that whatever ignites your passion at any given moment is what you should follow. With the other nine tests under your belt, following this principle will bring magic into your life. Inner peace is not a stopping point. Never stop growing and learning.


The only problem is when someone first starts a spiritual awakening. They don't even know what a spiritual awakening is to begin to find resources like this, allowing them to understand what they're going through.

Inside, they just think they're crazy.


Although these trials are presented in a linear fashion, believe you me that we can and do go through them repeatedly, out of order and not necessarily one at a time :p


Remember that even if you are passing the tests, you may lose it. Keep working on all aspects of spiritual awakening and dont forget the first, secound and third test along the way.

An advice: it is okay to feel strongly. It is okay to be sad. There is beauty in sadness and this will show itself. Accept what is and dont think too hardly. When you trust the universe you will come to see that it is through tough times one grows the most. A tree without the effects and hardship of nature will not grow strong roots. The same law goes for humans.


The void is no freaking joke guys.

I’ve crossed it once and been standing on that edge for the last 2 years. I’ve seen my entire “self” capsulated and then nothing complete death.

Every time I see my ego so small it floods the body with soooo much fear as it’s scared.

Not a fun thing to experience. It gets really hard when you realize you are actually actively killing yourself and the ego fights you.


I made it thru I feel so at peace within myself my life it wasn't easy but I made it thank you God and for the people who have crossed paths with me they have all taught me something thank you for all the lessons I have learned I'm finally at peace 🙏❤️


I wish I saw this video 2 years ago. I been in solitude for about 1.5 yr now and this video checks out.
I wish I understood what was going on with me so that I could warn everyone around me and not have to just "disappear".

I actually thought I was here to off my self, but nope, it was the answer I needed to be alive.


I am a bright and brilliant star. And no matter how brightly I shine, the void remains and expands to swallow me. Yet I cannot shine without it.


I have been on this walk for a long time.
These things are True.
But there it's something of letting go...
We are the family we must be strong and Never give up.
Keep It's in Your Heart and Mind the focus on the All
Slow things down and stay focused. Remember most don't understand ...
The the one Chosen You


This is deep spiritual truth. And we all need to pay attention to this lesson.


I went through most of this as a teenager. It was a bit rough without a guide or anything like that, because these things were just a natural result of my life. I often forget that this isn't the normal experience for people, so when i start talking about these things others tend to react violently. It's always interesting to stumble upon these things. I suppose I've been trying to find the solitude for some odd 15 years now. I'm comfortable with being alone, it's just the business of life i struggle with. It's probably an oddity, because its supposed to be the other way around.


I would say my fear of being HURT again influences me more than the fear of death. Preventing me from committing, opening up, etc. Im far in my journey. It started when I was 13, I’m 25 now.. and I don’t fear death - it seems it will be a welcomed and loving transition after this tough journey on Earth. But I’ve had an exhausting life full of people hurting and betraying me. From parents to partners and everyone between.. It’s hard to trust and open up again. Especially since I have 2 daughters who I’m the sole provider for right now. There’s so much to lose. I have to be ok for them. I have to be my best for them. I can’t afford to be knocked back down and broken. That holds me back the most. I care too much for other people and people care too little for me. Trying to learn the balance of loving people to the core - while also being ok with the fact that I may lose them at any point. Death, or people change… life is unpredictable. Having to learn to accept that and just trust God no matter what… it’s so hard.


Thank you for this video 🙏❤️ I'm experiencing the tests, however, not in the order you have presented. They have started at different points of my life, and many of them are still ongoing, being at different stages. I guess each person has a unique path ✨️


The ego is an important part of the engine of your existence. Pretending to hate it is as absurd as if a car hated its engine. The ego is important, and to believe is your enemy, it is one of the great lies of pseudo-spirituality. He should not control you, you should control him, but not hate him or deny him. It's like pretending to walk without legs or pretending that walking is not important. Don't suffer, enjoy the trip. Whoever tells you that you must suffer facing the void is lying, the void has forms that go beyond you, beyond your understanding. Having overcome the void is also learning to understand the beauty of its forms. And at the same time understand that emptiness as a physical phenomenon does not exist because it is impossible, and since it does not exist, what it actually contains is the totality of things in an essential state of pure potentialities. And those potentialities are a thousand times more valuable than the factual potentialities. It is not a hope but all the promises and hopes in the same space, all the possible futures, all the possible forms. It is a radical state of beginning in perpetuity, the opposite of any ending where everything begins and where everything goes to begin again. Read Camus, not Sartre.


This is a Cheat Code .. God bless you and Much Gratitude! 🤩


I leave it all at your feet Jesus. I forgive and shut the door on all the mess, stress and betrayal. It is finished the boxes are gone, moved out my life by the grace of God. Amen. Thank you so much Gavin for sharing a refreshing Word...God bless you in every way.


Thats journey of my last 5 month and 18 days. Fast run. Felt like losing my mind, but I didint. Very hard last half year. Done 9 steps. Otherside of hologram time goes different speed so I used that advantage. Also learned how to be awake longer, just wanted to be tired even just ones, so I tried how little I can sleep in one week, 20h. So had actually more hours in day also. Hard time to my heart and pack, but still alive. It´s your own choice how fast you want to do that process. But Its confusing, going trial like 8. It took 2 days to figure out that If I can chose then what I do. Mind is so complex that all this was like pig puzzle to solve. Like understand math. Well also got big and strong family behind me so that helped a lot. Be aware other side of veil there are many who want to twist your mind and test you. One way to keep you in illusion is to give you what your heart desire, you create your own destiny. Illusions is trend in this side of hologram, but those sides are like mirror. Many will not get to end and if you will then where is not hints what to chose, because its your own time to create own concept to see life. Depending also what you chose, does you get alliance or not. Better to make contacts to survive. I used my family roots. Dwelling back to less than 5000 years there is many who was willing to help. Big family. When your help is asked, are you willing to help those who are in need, be open minded? This is no risk free to write something like this. I have big forces behind me and because there is not anymore just me, we are we and thats more like me. My life is my own, but I´m not living anymore just for me. Dont fear whatever you face, fear is usually came because of you, you create field of fear, so dont. This is road to create your own reality, but are you ready for what it takes from you? I did let go everything in my mind, that was my key to this road. But crossing abyss is just start, there is not final ending, soul is infinite and eternal. It felt like rising to traveling other side in the abyss and meet that who is above everything, but I think that there is more than that also. Not so easy thing to come back to body, there is magnetic field like black hole. That what there is, has been called in many names. Not easy place to spend time. Crossing that field is asking you to let go everything, becoming nothingness. Are you ready for that? It has been written not using correct name, but using different describes of that Cosmic Giant in different holy books like Vedas, Puranas and Bible... Those books does not tell you that what dangers there is. Even Gods does not face that who is above everything. So if that is inside of our mind then what we are? What we are is big question, so many theories as there is answers. Being whole that time connected otherside, always been but different thing to be aware of that. Now its easier. Have found my place. And what an a big table I sit, everything has come very fast. But what come fast, may go fast. Trying to be my best version of me.


The Beautiful Beings of Gaia would like to thank Solace Owl for your service. We are forever grateful.


Thank you. This gave me the much needed reassurance that I am on the right path. Thank you 😇
