Creating youtube video Downloader with python #lovecoding #python #youtube #shorts
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Take the screen shot of the source code below and Use the code in pyroid 3 app for the result
Download The Tkinter,CustomTkinter and pytube from pip tab in pyroid 3 application
Source code below:-
import os
from pytube import YouTube, exceptions
from time import time
from tkinter import *
from customtkinter import *
if i == "youtube_downloads":
def download_video(entry_field):
start_time = time()
download_location = "youtube_downloads/"
end_time = time()
popup = CTk()
msg = StringVar()
except exceptions.RegexMatchError:
error = CTk()
error_label = CTkLabel(error, text="Please enter a valid YouTube link")
master = CTk()
CTkLabel(master, text="Enter YouTube video URL:").grid(row=0, column=0)
entry = CTkEntry(master)
Steps to download video :-
1)Enter the YouTube Video URL in the text box and click the ***Download*** button.
2)It will take some time to download the video depending on the video size, video quality and your network connectivity. The downloader looks for the best possible video quality and downloads that for you. 😉
3)After the download is complete, a dialog with a message will pop-up
4)GO to the folder ***youtube_downloads***and you will find your video there in **.mp4** format. Enjoy!
Take the screen shot of the source code below and Use the code in pyroid 3 app for the result
Download The Tkinter,CustomTkinter and pytube from pip tab in pyroid 3 application
Source code below:-
import os
from pytube import YouTube, exceptions
from time import time
from tkinter import *
from customtkinter import *
if i == "youtube_downloads":
def download_video(entry_field):
start_time = time()
download_location = "youtube_downloads/"
end_time = time()
popup = CTk()
msg = StringVar()
except exceptions.RegexMatchError:
error = CTk()
error_label = CTkLabel(error, text="Please enter a valid YouTube link")
master = CTk()
CTkLabel(master, text="Enter YouTube video URL:").grid(row=0, column=0)
entry = CTkEntry(master)
Steps to download video :-
1)Enter the YouTube Video URL in the text box and click the ***Download*** button.
2)It will take some time to download the video depending on the video size, video quality and your network connectivity. The downloader looks for the best possible video quality and downloads that for you. 😉
3)After the download is complete, a dialog with a message will pop-up
4)GO to the folder ***youtube_downloads***and you will find your video there in **.mp4** format. Enjoy!