NodeMCU 4 - Sending Data To Firebase Using NodeMCU ESP8266

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#NodeMCU #ESP8266 #Firebase
Arduino Firebase project- In today’s episode, you will learn how to create your Firebase account and create your first project to monitor a sensor in real time from anywhere around the world. As this is a getting started tutorial on how to use the Firebase with NodeMCU esp8266 WiFi module, that’s why I decided to use a variable resistor as the sensor to keep things simple, while in my upcoming tutorials I will use the Firebase in some intermediate and advanced level projects.
This is an IoT “internet of things” based projects, in which the sensor value is sent from the NodeMCU esp8266 WiFi module to the google Firebase in real time using WiFi. These projects explain every step in very detail, how to create your google Firebase account, how to use the Firebase secrets “authentication” and Firebase Hostname.

Connecting Arduino NodeMCU with Google Firebase Using Arduino IDE
Arduino Firebase project
send data to Firebase using Nodemcu esp8266
Firebase library
Firebase authentication

ESP8266 Firebase connection

NodeMCU Firebase | Make your own IOT APP
How to Store Realtime Data into Firebase Database using NodeMCU ESP8266 & Sensor + Code
Connecting NodeMCU with Firebase Database Issue Resolved || Firebase Database
How to Add / Connect Firebase Library in Arduino IDE for NodeMCU | IoT NodeMCU to Firebase Database
setting nodemcu with firebase basics
ESP8266 Sent Sensor Data to Firebase Real-time Database
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that really helped me out, thank you. :)


i have tired it out, first time data is send sucessfully after that it failed what is the issuse?


عم استخدم نفس المكتبة يلي حضرتك عك تستخدمها بس ما عم ترضا ال nodemcu انها ترتبط مع الفايربيز مع انها عم تعمل access على الانترنت ،وشكرا كتير


Sending Data To Firebase Using NodeMCU ESP8266


This is second time same problem happened with firebase because change it fingerprint.. how can I solve it forever??


عندي مشكلة بخصوص firebase
بعد مرور عدة ايام ارسل لي على gmail
Firebase] Client access to your Cloud Firestore database expired 24 day(s) ago


Thank you so much, Please how I can connect you?


ابي اليوزر يختار من الشاشة التوتش الي عندي، عنده ٥ خيارات
بعدين لما يختار ابي ارسل الخيار الي اختاره الى الفايربيز
بعدين يتخزن في جدول موجود فيه عمودين ، عمود فيه ٥ اصفف بالخيارات وجنبها الخيار الي اختارها
