NodeMcu Arduino Serial Communication Send Multiple Data, Up to 12 Data

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This is the Next video tutorial about NodeMcu Arduino Serial Communication. Also, this video fulfills my Subscriber request in the column comment. In this video, I create both NodeMcu and Arduino programs.
The rule is NodeMcu sends 12 different data to Arduino using a software serial program. The data was a combined data type, include int, float, and String data type. Then the Arduino receives the entire data and parses the data. In my opinion, to achieve this process, the most important thing to do is determine the data package. Commonly my data package structure is "Data1, Separator1, Data2, Separator2, ..., End Data Character".
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The rule is NodeMcu sends 12 different data to Arduino using a software serial program. The data was a combined data type, include int, float, and String data type. Then the Arduino receives the entire data and parses the data. In my opinion, to achieve this process, the most important thing to do is determine the data package. Commonly my data package structure is "Data1, Separator1, Data2, Separator2, ..., End Data Character".
Download the Code Here :
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