How Long Would You Survive In The Past?

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Thanks to the technological advances of the modern age, in 2023 life is pretty safe. In the past however, many of the things we take for granted now were likely a death sentence for our ancestors.


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Show Created by Daniel Turner (B.A. (Hons) in History, University College London)
Script: Jake Leigh-Howarth


Chris Kane

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De Abreu, Kristine. "Apocalypse Then: The Volcanic Winter of 536AD." July 18, 2022. ExplorersWeb.

Degroot, Dagomar. "Small climate changes can have devastating local consequences – it happened in the Little Ice Age." July 27, 2021. The Conversation.

Eschner, Kat. "Fearing a Smallpox Epidemic, Civil War Troops Tried to Self-Vaccinate." May 1, 2017. Smithsonian.

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Greschko, Michael. "Colossal volcano behind 'mystery' global cooling finally found." August 23, 2019. NationalGeographic.

Grist, Kerry. "Dangerous Beauty: Hazardous Chemicals and Poisons in Historic Cosmetics." 29 July 2022. ScienceMuseumGroup.

Johnson, Ben. "The Darien Scheme." Accessed 27 February, 2023.

Kelly, DB. "The Deadly Great Frost of 1709 Is Still a Mystery." Last modified 13 January, 2022. Grunge.

Lanchester, John. "How the Little Ice Age Changed History." March 25, 2019. The New Yorker.

Laumonier, Lucie. "A Medieval Peasants’ Winter." rused 27 February, 2023.

Maley, Sonny. "The Darien Scheme." May 2005. GLA.

Maloney, T.R., Dilkes-Hall, I.E., Vlok, M. et al. "Surgical amputation of a limb 31,000 years ago in Borneo." Nature 609 (September 2022): 547–551.

Oosthoek, K. Jan. "Little Ice Age." June 5, 2015. EH Resources.

Pattenden, Miles. "Volcanoes, plague, famine and endless winter: Welcome to 536, what historians and scientists believe was the ‘worst year to be alive'." February 1, 2022. The Conversation.

Seladi-Schulman, Jill. "What Is the Periosteum?" Last modified September 26, 2018. Healthline.

Shuster, Sam. "Painless amputation: history of a discovery
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Smith College. "The Effects of the Little Ice Age (c. 1300-1850)." Accessed 27 February, 2023.

Wischhover, Cheryl. "The Most Dangerous Beauty Through the Ages." December 17, 2013. TheCut.

Zapata, Mariana. "How Civil War Soldiers Gave Themselves Syphilis While Trying to Avoid Smallpox." November 30, 2016. Atlas Obscura.
Рекомендации по теме

Can you imagine going through that amputation process only to die anyway from an infection? Brutal


I literally will never complain about my life in the 21st century ever again after seeing this.


Honestly I wouldn't survive in the past at all, in fact I wasn't even born yet


Whenever I have a major asthma attack without my inhaler readily avaliable it really makes me appreciate our medical advances. I can't even imagine struggling with it during ancient Greece or prior


Tuberculosis took our friend Arthur

Never forget that


The sheer fact they never gave up with advanced medical treatments is fascinating. From what they saw, all their attempts at trying anything advanced resulted mostly in less-than-ideal and often in failure. It seemed almost impossible to achieve perfectly ideal result. I think there was a massive turn on events when medical treatment surpassed on what's possible. Which makes us very briefly or closer to immortality. For example, heart transplant, it isn't immortality buy you can still live even if your is about to stop just by having one transplanted and thereof outliving your original date/fate.


Last year I got stung by a mosquito, it was itching so I scratched it, a day later it infected my armed and was rapidly spreading, I went to the doc who gave me penicillin for a week and science happen… it’s funny to think that something as stupid as that would have killed me back in the good old day 🤷‍♂️


Germ Theory is a relatively modern concept. Back then, people had no idea how plagues started.


I would count myself lucky in the 1920's as well for not being stupid enough to care about my looks so much that I put myself under a cruel machine.


Wow, this portion on the history of surgeries was so interesting and informative! It really highlights how much we take for granted with modern medical advancements. The thought of undergoing an amputation without anesthesia is unimaginable. It's incredible how far we've come and how lucky we are to live in a time where medical care is so advanced. Thanks for sharing this knowledge with us!


"Doctor, don't you need to wash your hands?"
"Why? I'm not eating dinner."


Future generations will probably look back on this time period and agonize over the fact that we can’t cure cancer or even the common cold. Personally, it would depend not only on when but where I lived. I wouldn’t want to live in the rural area that I live in now prior to the 1950s. If I traveled back to the 20s though the 40s, I would like to live in New York City. In the 19th century, I would love to live in London. I probably wouldn’t want to go back any further than the 19th century. I am curious about the Middle Ages, Shakespearean England, and Ancient Greece, but I would rather be just an observer, not a participant.


I'm surprised they never put together that guillotines could have been used for amputation as well.


Imagine not having modern dentistry. No Anastasia, needing a tooth removal or god forbid a mouth infection. And getting those top wisdom teeth out would be almost if not impossible


“Making sure to have a spare on hand in case it broke, ”
Yeesh. Imagine the story that necessitated that


I'd be ok. It'd be rough at first. I know how tough life was and I try not to take things for granted.


I mean, health care wasn't as advanced back then.

Even back in 1900, people didn't think washing your hands would make any difference in medicine.


One of the most excruciating things I learned from history is when John and Abigail Adams’ daughter had a mastectomy WITHOUT anesthesia. I think I would have rather died than undergo something like that.


Crazy to believe our ancestors endured such conditions. Makes you really grateful to be alive


Idk how I'd do, but I'm grateful I don't have to experience anything my grandfather experienced in early 20th century Louisiana.
