Excel Magic Trick 1053: Unique Count With Criteria: Excel 2013 PivotTable Distinct Count Function
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Amazing New Excel 29013 feature to count unique items with criteria:
1. In Excel 2013 the New PivotTable Function Distinct Count can replace complicated Array Formulas.
2. The Distinct Count function in a 2013 PivotTable will ONLY APPEAR if you check the "Add this data to Data Model" in the Create PivotTable dialog box.
3. The Data Model is part of the PowerPivot engine and rthis works EVEN if you don't have PowerPivot.
4. Once you create your pivot table: 1) Drop field you want to make a unique count upon into the Values area, then 2) drop field with the criteria into the Row area and/or use filter.
5. New Keyboard For PiviotTable Excel 2013: Alt N, V
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