CompTIA Cloud+ Certification - Is it Worth It? #ad #sponsored

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If you live anywhere near DC or any military base in the states. Always go with Comptia. If you’re not looking to work DoD, DHS etc. Go with a vendor specific certification.


I feel that as time goes on Cloud + may become more valuable because of Hybrid cloud and fringe environments emerging more often.


Just to add :

MS does offer free exam vouchers (for the xx-900 level) just for attending their training webinars (schedule listed on their site). Also, MS very often provides exam vouchers for free for participating in their activities.

AWS, though very rarely, also provides deep discounts (50%) on their exams as well.


AWS and GCP are big in California.

Some companies that use GCP around the country: Ford, Home Depot, Paypal, Charles Schwab, Major League Baseball, Target, Spotify, and the Forbes magazine to name a few.

AWS: Harvard Medical School, Comcast, Disney, Capital One, Discover, Slack, Adobe, Samsung, Airbnb, McDonalds, and Netflix as some of the big names.


I passed Cloud+ yesterday with a 767. You can get buy on that exam with general It knowledge and some enterprise experience.
Much of the exam isn't that cloud-focused. Try it.


Just to add, the DOD signed a contract with Azure a couple years back and have been steadily migrating ever since.... If your goal is DOD.... Azure.


I'm just learning IT as a hobby right now, I weld for a living which pays more than entry to mid IT. My approach is to go over the study material of many certifications just to grasp and absorb the knowledge but not spend too much time for a hard study, and then maybe zero in on a path later. I know a little of everything, and a lot of nothing LOL.


I’m so glad I watched this video. I currently work in a non IT environment but I’m looking to move toward infrastructure. I just looked at our career website for job descriptions…. And it states AWS or Microsoft Azure.. wow. Thanks man, I’ll definitely change my direction.


If you had scrolled down further on the Azure certs, they are offering them for $15 right now due to COVID-19. That's how I got mine 😊


I've taken almost all the CompTIA exams offered over the last 20 years. I do agree that the pricing on the CompTIA exams is a bit expensive, however I've learned a lot prepping for CompTIA exams.

One aspect I do like about CompTIA exams is the ability to keep the cert after completing CEUs, and not necessarily having to retake the exam every few years to maintain the cert. Many vendor certs expire. The AWS CCP you either have to retake that exam in three years OR take a more advanced AWS exam, but if your primary job isn't using AWS you may be studying for other exams. I prefer the ability to use webinars, other certifications, etc. to gain CEUs to retain CompTIA certs, than studying and retaking exams every three years.


Cloud+ is NOT a fundamentals exam. That is good 2 know. Especially with that 💲338 price tag. Plus, I think they already have a fundamentals based exam called Cloud Essentials. I am willing to divulge the possibility of the fact that CompTIA will have an advanced #cloud certification in the future. Not to mention a data+ one.

Mere months later: And now we have a data+. So far so good.😉


Cheers for the content, your vids helped me get a job as a technician at an IT firm :))


5:16 - 5:24
GCP is actually the leading Cloud provider in the international market while aws rules the national market. Thus, Azure is basically the middle child in both markets. Keep in mind, that since the Google Cloud Platform may be less used in certain markets, that would/could actually make it more valuable (economically or otherwise). Others pros have agreed. Furthermore, Azure has been vastly gaining momentum on closing that gap.


I can take the Cloud+ exam at the academic price of $163, if I wanted. My enterprise got a deal for free Microsoft Azure exams and I passed the AZ-900 and MS-900 exams. Got my eyes on the AZ-104 in the next two weeks.


Thinking about this cert next as I got my Network+ and Linux+ this year. It will renew my net and Linux as well as giving me a stackable cert.


I sometimes try CompTIA beta exams since they offer them for $50. They can be hard because there isn't any current study material, but for $50 I'll give it a shot, even though I usually fail. If I do fail, I just keep the knowledge I gained from studying and go on to the next exam. I agree about the value of much less expensive cert exams from other vendors. I'm not paying over $300 when I can get something more beneficial for about $100-150. Thank you for an informative video.


I am getting a free voucher for a CompTIA Cloud+ Certification. So I will write it. Anways, this vedio is very informative. :)


i got my AWS CCP cert after 3 days of study. Really easy exam and bang for buck only $99


Poor advice. Most companies and organizations are going multi-cloud. Having one vendor certification above the entry or fundamental level is good. Cloud+ is a great starting point. It will help prepare to more easily pass that vendor certification.


I scheduled the new Beta exam for the end of February for $50.
