The 10 Most Secretly Ridiculous Moments in Classic Movies | After Hours

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Even the best movies get a little goofy sometimes.

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Imagine the deleted scene of "Inglorious Basterds" where Shoshanna filmed her monologue and gave her evil laugh for what looks to be twenty minutes with only Marcel behind the camera feeling more and more awkward.


6:03 I love when Soren says "With good writing..." to Dan because Dan was the one who wrote this XD


6:03 When Soren looks a Dan and says "With good writing."


Okay, I know someone is going to have something negative to say about this scene with the mobster planting the gun in the restroom? That was covered in the Godfather video game. You actually play as a single character who basically drives around doing all the shit work that makes those iconic scenes possible.


I like how none of the restaurant's employees even flinch at their synchronized screaming, they're just so used to their shenanigans, lol
Also, we have got to get Swaim to do some Mario bros parody.


LOL "I just figured out you tricked me into LARPing."


"Use your noodle, and pasta-bilities are endless breadsticks and salads"

So cliche, but so wise.


If you watch the dark knight again you see even when he says "do i really look like a guy with a plan" and put the gun against his heading hes holding the hammer of the gun the whole time. Anarchy isnt his plan its his end game


Soren, they DID make a movie about that. Its called the first ten minutes of Resevoir Dogs.


"See, I would watch an entire movie that's a spinoff of those four guys. Just bonding"
So a Tarantino.


The Joker was a planner, obviously he was just bullshitting to Harvey in the hospital. But many of the details mentioned here weren't part of a plan, nor were they crucial or even necessary for any plan. Nor was there only one big plan. Just one motivation; to prove that people aren't nearly as good or civilized as they believe themselves to be. So he set up several different situations to get different people to 'break' and turn on each other. Some worked (breaking Harvey, getting himself caught), others didn't (breaking Batman, getting the people on the two ferries to blow each other up). And he had back-up plans in case some of them failed (like the trigger he carried around in case his plan with the ferries failed.. which it did).

Gordon faking his death was crucial to nothing in any of the Joker's plans. The Joker planned to get arrested. That it was Gordon who ended up arresting him was not part of the plan. Gordon faked his death because he knew he was one of the Joker's targets and knew that the Joker could've kidnapped his family or otherwise hurt them if he was still around. The reason he was personally there to oversee Dent was probably because he didn't trust most people in the police department.

Harvey Dent getting disfigured was never apart of the plan, nor was it implied to be. He wanted to break Harvey, sure. But he wanted to break him by murdering his girlfriend (hence why he gave Batman the wrong coordinates). That he got disfigured on top of that was just a 'fortunate" byproduct.

The Joker was a hired gun by Gotham's mob bosses. He explicitly stated at the beginning of the movie that Gambol paid for his outfit; meaning the mob supplied him with stuff. Why would a hired gun of an immensely powerful underground criminal organization worth millions of dollars (as seen in the movie) not have access to guns and explosives or people capable of using them? Or have access to people with medical training for that matter? If you're a gangster, and one of your guys gets hit by a bullet, would you take them to a hospital, where bulletwounds would rouse suspicion or would you have your own guy on the payroll do the job for you, to avoid questions? It was said early on in the movie that Gambol paid for the Joker's clothing. It's clearly implied that the Joker was funded by the mob to carry out hits.

You also think the Joker is above robbing a single costume store one night?


I think they read too much into Joker's plan. His plan was:

1) kidnap accountant by having henchmen with bomb inside of him get arrested & locked up in same building. I then call bomb from anywhere (Joker didn't have to be inside the MCU)
2) Kidnap Rachel because batman obviously cares about her the way he flung himself out of the building to save her. Setup 2 buildings with bombs. Place her in 1. Send him to the other hoping that he gets blown up. If he's able to rescue her, meh. "Chaos."
3) Kill Harvey Dent. Oh! Harvey claims to be Batman and they're transporting him to prison? Grab a truck and let's get him. Grab rachel while you're at it, and make sure the suicide bomber gets arrested. If we fail to kill Harvey, have our guy on the inside put him in the other building. If we do kill Harvey, proceed with step 2 as planned
4) Well, I got locked up, but so did my suicide bomber. Good. Send Batman on wild goose chase which I could have/would have done regardless of whether or not I was locked up.Just need to find a way to call the bomb. Just like I was going to all along. The only difference is that I happen to be inside the MCU.
5) Place bombs in hospital because "chaos." Oh wait! Harvey's alive, but disfigured? Good thing he just happened to be in the hospital that I was gonna blow up anyway.
6) Turn Harvey evil. Or, have Harvey kill me thereby ruining him as Gotham's White Knight.

Yeah, it was contrived as hell, but not nearly as bad as Bruce Wayne being made bankrupt in dark knight rises, because trades made while the stock exchange was under terrorist attack were allowed to go through. For some reason.


Michael's Italian monster accent killed me 😂😂😂


The movie Godfather never once implies that Tom cut off the horses head. The scene directly before that scene is Tom telling Woltz that he needs to tell the Don that his favor was refused because "the don insists on hearing bad news immediately". Anyone with half an imagination would know that the movie is trying to show that the Godfather is so powerful that he can get his men to do a professional job like that in just a matter of hours. It doesn't take a genius to work that out. Plus if in doubt you can always just read the book which explain in detail how the deed was done.


The Joker thing makes sense if you consider the theory of Joker being a soldier. No info on him, he can operate military grade weaponry easily, he has a great strategic mind and severe scars. He must've been a black ops soldier that was abandoned or something, according to these clues and things he says. Besides, he didn't necessarily have it all PERFECTLY planned. He probably just had a fluid plan. He wants to kill Dent and happens to be captured, and Laou was there. Sure, he had men in there with explosives, but that wasn't necessarily all part of a single plan. The same goes for Rachel and Harvey. His insiders for the police were filling him in as he went along, or at least some higher up cronies.


Soren, someday when you're in a city park dressed as a wizard, shouting "lightning bolt" and throwing Nerf darts at people you'll realize LARPing was your calling all along. Just embrace it...


Here's an interesting thing I noticed about TDK. When he says all that big speech about not having a plan; when he gives Harvey the gun, he holds the revolver in a way where it couldn't fire anyway. It's there, and I don't know. Was just cool to notice.


LOL, "I just realized you tricked me into larping, fuck this."
I love the interactions between your characters.


About Dan's theory on the Joker. He doesn't have to tell all of his henchman every part of the plan. Just the parts they need to know to do their part. It's called compartmentalization.


The joker told his henchmen only enough information so they could get their jobs done, never letting them in on the whole plan or idea. That way, no henchmen can understand what the actual goal of the plan is if their captured.