How to get your Island to Three Star Rating in Animal Crossing New Horizons

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Honestly I just want to get 3 stars so I can get terraforming and then decorate my island. I’m sorry but decorating my island without terraforming will only waste money


9 residents and a fairly good island with a 2 star rating gang where u at?

I got 3 stars after a while, I just started vibing and getting rare flowers in bulk and it just happened.


This is the hardest part of the game. I have never been more angry at Isabelle in my life lmao
Edit: Wait wtf where did all these likes come from??


i swear i have more than fifty crafted items and hundreds of flowers and everything and still at two stars


I put loads of items down and then Isabelle said "the island is too


people not liking your island?

just dump flowers and random crap everywhere and the ratings will go up


My island is literally full of flowers and Isabelle is still telling me I should water them lmao


I spent about 20000 on flowers, and put every item in my storage outside, and that did it for me


The rating changes overnight!! Yesterday I had done absolutely everything I needed and it stayed at 1 star, I already had the able sisters and 7+ villagers. Once I had finished placing flowers, furniture the rating was the same, but the rating was straight at 3 stars today and nothing had been changed today :)


Getting three star is like getting sylveon in X and Y.


Everyone else: has beautifully organized islands with organizers items on the ground
Me: *PLAceS RanDoM BeDs aNd StUff On mY BEacH*


I made a whole plaza just for 3 stars. Dropping flowers everywhere, cultivating the land with more fruit trees...
I'm guessing Nook Cranny items don't count (which is dumb if so, why wouldn't a huge lava lamp be something that goes into deciding my rating but a twig wreath is?) I'm gonna go crazy crafting tomorrow because it's a pain hearing everyone at 3 stars and terraforming and I'm still over here with a sad island and random junk everywhere lmao


I legit got mine in like a day so I’ll tell you how I got mine :DD

I first planted a lot of flowers and just kept breeding them. I go to island to island and collect flowers as well so then I can plant them.
I then also went to islands and chopped down all the trees and collected a lot of wood so then I made simple furniture and placed them on my island.
And then I just checked and I have a three star rating :DD
Hope this helped :))


One of my villagers is leaving tomorrow and I really need to get the three star rating because I want him to be present in his first and last KK concert :(


I got 3 stars with 100 flowers, around 40 trees (mostly all kinds of fruit), all 50 pieces of fencing (MUST use some around your house, and others), maybe like 8-12 DiY craftables placed around the island, 10 villagers, almost no weeds,


i planted around 60-70 flowers, 50 stone stools and had 8 villagers. went from 1 Star to 3 within a day !


while watching this i was at 2 stars and literally just added a few flowers and some furniture i had in my storage that i thought would look cute outside, i checked back a few hours later and i'm at 3 stars now omg!


I got 3 stars today, here are things I have to help you:
- 8 villagers
- 0 bridges
- 0 inclines
- 79 flowers
- 50 fences or something like that
- Able Sisters
- Nook's Cranny
- Residence Services Upgraded
- Museum upgraded
- lot of furniture outside (sorry idk how much exactly)

An I think that's everything then
Hope I could help you a bit 😊


From what I have heard, I think even having more than 7 villagers is a major part in getting 3⭐️s. I put down quite a lot of fences, flowers, 7 villagers, and a lot diy items but i still only had 2⭐️s. I had 7 villagers and the next day, when i got my 8th, it went up to 3 stars.


This was so much easier than I thought. I have 10 villagers, put 50 additional fences (since Nook gave 50 fences) have a bunch of flowers, scattered all my furniture (Scattered my house furniture outside, too) and done! You don't need to buy more inclines and bridges. Also, it needs to be in your main island (where your town hall is). No need to be organized too! You can scatter your fences lol.
