The TRUTH about Gear Acquisition Syndrome (GAS)

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Here are some practical tips you can use to take advantage of your G.A.S. (gear acquisition syndrome). There's a beautiful world full of electronic music hardware: synths, guitar pedals, instruments seem to multiply every year, and the internet makes it easy to fall down the rabbit hole of wanting the next new release. In this video, I review the dangers of this, and talk about some quick methods you can use to curb your GAS.

0:00 Intro
0:21 What is GAS?
2:56 Using GAS to your advantage
5:51 Getting rid of GAS
7:21 Exceptions and a warning

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In the past year I probably spent 4 hours a day watching YouTubers talk about and demonstrate music gear and software and some theory. I spent on average at most 1 hour on those days to actually implement what I learned. This has to stop.


I've been doing the "sell a thing if I get a thing" tactic, which has served me well. Great video!


YouTuber says don’t watch YouTube - appreciate the rare honesty 👏👏


#1 antidote to GAS is realizing how much time it takes to get up-to-speed on new gear and how much that takes away from being able to actually find time to make music.

There’s nothing wrong with buying/collecting gear, or if just learning new gear is your thing, all the more to you - have fun with that.

But if you really want to make the music, you need to make the most with what you have and carefully plan/choose new gear.


_"But I just need one more guitar."_ 🎸
To quote Keith from Five Watt World -
_Maybe that money would be better spent on lessons, instead of new gear._


I've encountered G.A.S many times, It definetly feels like you are more focused on the buying of equipment than the making of music which can be a toxic circle. I used to call this issue a toolbox fallacy which is when you don't feel you can do the job (make music) withought the right tools (Synths) when you already have more than enough. I feel G.A.S fits this issue much better than what i listed above. This video will really help alot of people! Keep making the great content.


There's a thread on elektronauts called "no gear new year" and that has been great for keeping my gas at bay. Ultimately what I find is that if I keep off YouTube (with the exception of videos on gear that I already own) and forums then I'm not finding out about new gear or recently updated gear. Out of sight, out of mind. Then I still have to remind myself, scrolling and doing research has its limits before you gotta just get to your set up and make some music even if it doesn't materialize into a track.


This video is amazing advise and can work across all disciplines. As a musician who can play 5 songs on every interment, a skater who can barely kick flip, a lock smith that can only open master locks, a sailor who got stuck in mud than called out a mayday on the radio, a chef that sticks eggs to stainless steel, a watch maker who buys and breaks expensive watches from eBay, a realtor who hasn't sold a single house, a pest control commercial applicator who cannot identify more than 3 insects, a gamer with 10k hrs stuck in bronze, a polyglot that can say "Do you speak English" in over 8 languages, I can confirm that following this advice can save someone thousands of hours, and that's the only resource we can never get back.


This video is always welcome throughout the year! It’s like therapy! I wanted to add that there’s that period of exploration (it happened to me with art supplies) in which you need to get your hands on stuff to decide what you really like, and that’s a dangerous period. I would say: find friends with gear, try stuff at stores or get cheaper gear that give you a feel of what that field might be (for instance, a PO-33 for sampling). I know influencers in general are doing their thing, but I’m sticking more and more to people that master one medium or instrument rather than consuming marketing per se. 🌝


Don't get in to modular, oops! :D That ship has already sailed, but I'm trying to keep it focused. Best synth purchase - Synthstrom Deluge, hands down. Worst, probably the MC-707 which sounds great but was completely unnecessary for me. I never wrote one song on it, and sold it at a loss.


Thanks for this. The Microfreak has greatly reduced my desire for new gear of late. It’s like a Pandora’s box that just keeps on giving. Also, listening to records and performing with others (when possible) helps me to focus on the gear that is really needed. Cheers again:)


Yep My Name Is Rob and i have GAS. I have fallen for the stuff on youtube. The hipster synths etc. Yes I coveted the microcosm. Yes I bought Elektron*, Synthstrom*, Novation*, Vermona. Because so many people make lovely stuff with it, and you get carried away thinking you could do the same... except... I don't. I have a busy life and I'm in a band doing non synth stuff. I write far more sat with my tenor guitar downstairs out of the studio. I have had the "not learning instrument x because you want instrument Y" followed by the realisation that you just noodle at BEST with what you have learnt so far.
But lately I've found myself being much better able to say "I'm just not using that in the way I imagined in my GAS moments".
Powerful to know this. One of my boxes is about to get advertised.... having only just paid off the credit.
I like to think I'm getting over the emotional dopamine connection a bit, but I'm not there yet.

*which i love


A friend said the most valuable thing she'd heard on a visit to India was "happiness is knowing what you don't need."


I think many people fundamentally overestimate how much gear helps making music. you can literally do everything with jsut your computer easier and quicker than with hardware. hardware is only about the fun, not about improving music.


Man. Bless the YouTube algorithm for recommending this in the 11th hour – before pulling the trigger on new gear this week. Your commentary on GAS is on point and just what I needed. Time to go make music with the gear I already have and love.


GAS is a real thing, for sure. Imagine the combination of GAS with manic spending episodes, that's unfortunately where I fall at times and it can be a true wallet killer. I have made it a habit to slowly evaluate what I truly use the most and not keep certain pieces of gear simply because "it's nice to have." It helps big time with GAS.


Thanx for sharing…

My solution for my own gas : I really dislike modular and even pedals….😎
I restricted myself: 1 x deluge, 1x microfreak, 1x uno synth pro, 1x op -1 and 1x polyend Medusa…….. and a I pad……
If I want something new some other piece has to go……
And I just like my gear to much and they suit my purpose…..


Best G.A.S addvice. Especially with guitar player when it comes to the feel of the instrument. Thank


Oooof this video spoke to me in an uncomfortable and very real way. I recently scrapped all my old outdated pedals in hopes of starting fresh and I’ve been GASsing so hard over that one perfect thing that will satisfy all my needs and it’s definitely become an obsession. VCV has been a godsend in terms of saving me from many regrettable purchases but I’d love to get off the computer. Mulling over the Digitakt for a while now. Maybe it’s the one. Thanks for talking me off the modular ledge!


I have decided I have way too much clutter, have decided to keep just the things I use and inspire. Its a bit like the 80/20 rule, I use 20% of my gear/plugs 80% of the time. I believe my new clean, focused music space will lead to more creativity. I am spending some of the cash raised on thing like good headphones and monitors, which really are essential to our craft.
