49cc/50cc scooter 101 air box

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I'm pretty Shure something would go horribly wrong if you dipped it in gas.


This is a good, straight to the point... Good job ty


What if there’s brake fluid leaking into the air box ?


I ran across this video after buying a 50cc Chinese scooter, brand new, out of the box and personally assembled. They are literally half price if you buy them complete but not quite completely assembled. After putting the different components together into a beautiful "brand new" ATM Force Scooter 50cc likely 49cc after researching a solution to a problem that I thought I could fix with a simple O2/gas mixture adjustment. I turned the key on this shiney ass red and black baby that took 8 hours for me to assemble because 1) I do not consider myself a mechanic by the professional definition but I'm quite competent when it comes to following directions as I'm a relatively literate and not to shabby when it comes to taking care of my everyday vehicle. I usually purchase the appropriate Haynes guide from the local auto parts store and read it cover to cover even if it doesn't all stick at least get a feel for system components names, purpose and their locations. I'm not saying there aren't others but Haynes guides to compete tear down and rebuild are so damn thorough and written in a format that is easy to just read through the appropriate chapter: verse and get a quick list of parts needed, how to remove and service or replace said parts and tools and common issues and spoons to remove, inspect, and determine if the part is serviceable or commonly replaced with either brand new or salvaged part. The only fault I've found with them would have to be their electrical schematics. But that could just be lack of knowledge of circuit​ directional flow and the shorthand they use for different electrical components.

That said, after opening this rather heavy cardboard box on a pallet containing a steel frame that secured the frame for the most part complete minus front wheel, control panel/information center/t throttle and break controls in one cluster. Most of the required assembly included vinyl body kit, battery installation, trunk and trunk rail installation. The hardest part would be the way the vinyl body parts fasten in a genius but rather difficult technique that is much easier with a second person that only seems to reduce the number of screws left visible.

After removing the cardboard disassembling the steel rail system and cutting through all the plastic and bubble wrap to into unveil this pretty little fucker I find the components needing to be installed a user guide/maintenance troubleshooting index and a DVD... no paper assembly instructional. my first thought was yay, I might have an excuse to go inside and sit on the couch watching TV and call it building a motor vehicle. Or at least studying to do so.

So I get a good of water and throw the disk in the player and I'm presented with a menu with two options. 50cc or 150cc. My wife and I each got scooters ordered from the same web page and delivered by the same shipping service. Paid for and delivered at the same time. I opened mine first because it was the easiest to get to in my rather small driveway. I literally had to build mine first to get to the second box containing my wife's. The disc I had on was from my box which contained a150cc. Close to the same price but I'm a man damn it, I can handle the biggest scooter you got! lol! So I selected the appropriate video... that I assumed was for the scooter that I ordered. I mean it came in the same box. The video started with two guys opening a cardboard box. My box was cardboard... so far so good. they opened the box to reveal a frame, some vinyl, a loose front tire, probably because the frame is secured to the steel box by the front axle bolt, all of which were buried under a rediculous amount of bubble wrap. Still looks like my box!...? But this is beginning to look like it might not be my bike!!! Damn it!!! This isn't my bike the only thing that was the same was you could call it a scooter 150/149cc and it came in a box secured to a steel frame rail by is front axle!!! the only thing that video taught me was I had to cut the cardboard and bubble wrap, set the rear of the frame and remove the axle bolt to free my bike!!! Nothing else was the same... So I watched the first video. I mean shit, there is a 50\49cc scooter in the next box. Maybe these silent fuckers got the labels won't on the DVD title menu!!!??? Maybe?... Nope this one definitely is NOT my bike... either!?! At least I got the fucking wheels on so I can move it and start tearing into the second box!!!

Ok second box open, debubblefied and freed from it's steel cage. Looking for instructions to assemble THIS bike... nothing!!! Not even a DVD intended for the WRONG bike. Just the user guide. Not sure if it's for either of the bikes I have! Luckily it looks like the engine is complete and the majority of the assembly is vinyl cosmetics and a wheel kick stand, handle bar/information cluster that already had throttle and break control attached. After an all nighter turning wrenches and screw drivers and learning the vudoo that is vinyl clipping, bending, warping and fastening with a SINGLE screw!... I have two scooters, two sets of keys and a Five gallon gas can that should run both these guys for two days of fun!? Of course I at down on mine first. I don't want to fuck up the wife's... At least not before she's had the chance to give it a go. So we both turn our keys at the same time. Both brand new. 0 miles. I mean I just wizarded these fuckers out of thin air. It might take a few turns out the key or revs of the throttle to prime the fuel. After a couple turns mine fires up... YAY!... Right then I guess her's finally prime because it's resting at a respectable idle. Both bikes are using in a beautiful and satisfying idle. I'm ready! I drop from the stand to the pavement, walk it backwards and throttle my happy ass around the neighborhood! I come back about 45 seconds and my wife is sitting in the same spot... full throttle... going nowhere!!! This would be hilarious if I hadn't been up all night in the cold, with a runny nose that I'm sure might fall off if I laugh because I have wiped it raw by now!


remember he didn't say soak it in gas, then immediately install gas dripping filter back into the machine that is the combustion motor, while you're at it throw that aerosol can into that fire or sick that butter knife into that power outlet. He said wring it out first. That will dispose of the majority of the highly flammable solvent. The rest will evaporate quite rapidly. Kinda like using alcohol to make hash from marijuana. Though water would serve to a solution of similar and maybe "healthier" product but doesn't evaporate nearly as fast as Ethyl. Any residual, or gas that still reduces after winning out and air drying even long enough to get a glass of water and drink it, would leave you with a perfectly safe and much more effective and permeable filter.


Do the universal airbox come with foam filter also will i still need to oil


Ok, after tracing vacuum, oil and fuel hoses, I find a hose connecting the air filter compartment and the component that is mounted to which is solid and houses what I think would be driver's side of rear axle, maybe rear brakes (drum), maybe even part of the drive train. It's automatic so optional kick start just that, no gear selection. If it is gear oil is it possible for it to flow upward into the slightly higher connection at AF compartment?

I know I embellished in the amount of detail I have presented in this but consider it a gift from myself to whomever takes time listen to my problem with care enough to present possible cause even better a well thought remedy. thanx


is it possible to remove and get ride of those stupid hoses coming off the intake pointing down and also the one off the engine? maybe replace it with just a clamp and filter, and cover up eliminate the one on the intake side... lemme know i just gota wolf scooter and want it to perform as well as possible.. also would you recommend always using high test gas compared to the cheapest? the dealer i bought it from says 89 is just fine, but ive owned plenty of motorcycles and scooters and i totally disagree.. can u help me answer those questions? thanks in advance... cheers


I think it's pretty much the same as any mechanic or roofer or asphalt installer that for whatever reason he no immediate access to gojo or equivalent hand cleaner, but always has their old reliable WD-40 and for whatever reason thought hmmm that will do the trick, does everything else lol... then sprayed their grease, tar or oil tarnished hands with them meeting to clean up for a quick lunch or whatever... it works great. By itself with a little scrubbing and wipe down lighter oils or mineral spirits effectively cut heavier oils... without water till the very end because oil and water don't do anything productive together except lava lamps and pretty rainbows in a parking lot puddle.

The oils that clog the filter would certainly be vulnerable to solved with gas, kerosene, WD-40 or any other byproduct​ of petrol to gasoline process not sure but I think because​ it is the smaller part of the whole, it simply simplifies, it reduces to simplest terms. Excellent solvents​ that work when dealing with anything water, one of the most effective solvents, won't clean.


LOL you guys I wouldn't even get this crap I will take the whole filter off and just get a cooling filter. Because that air filter cover it just makes your bike o hella slow even if you do destricted it's still going to not go to its full potential unless you just take the whole freaking box off and just call it a day. :-( you go at least 10 times faster if you do so instead of fooling around with that like on God


Because he doesn't know what he's talking about


After playing around with the throttle idle bottom​ and throttle cable tension it for up idled for a bit so I backed her out of her hole and hit the throttle... I'm off!!! I fixed it!lol!... NOT... She stalls at the top of the street at the stop sign... won't crank just the starter turning a few teasings of ignition but nothing close to a successful crank to idle. So I walk it back down the hill to the drive and park it ready to kick this little shiney red and black fucker on it's side and walk away... and if it makes even a sound as I walk away I might even want to pour gas on it and light it on fire! I'm tired, hungry and my fingers, toes and back are drawing straws on which will give up first. I'm frustrated to say the least. I give up and play on mine for a little bit. It's been long enough and not only am I ready take mine for a spin, give it a good mile or so ride awkwardly fighting for right of way in a city that I'm sure doesn't have another scooter fighting for it's place among the big boys cuz I have headlights, turn signals and a horn that I won't hesitate to honk at you if you rail to yield right of way that rightfully belongs to me! lol. And if you still don't realize you are being an ignorant fucker I might throw a rock at your window... unless my kids are in eye or ear shot. And by the way. At least 2 of my 4 children were watching me in suspense making sure that they how long it will be till they get to ride by asking over and over "Are you almost done? How long till you're done? You're gonna take me first when you're done... Right Daddy?". So I spent the rest of that day playing taxi driver for a bunch of kids while my wife looks on as though I sabotaged her scooter so I wouldn't have to right her for right of way as well! lol!

That night my wife pulled three shifts back to back as an EMT at Ridge Volunteer Rescue Squad. She forgets to leave the keys with me so I'll wait to fuck with it again. it's now day 4 and I finally have a chance to see if this cranky bastard wants to be a scooter today! I turn the key twice and oh shit it fires up and idles. So I back it up and give it some gas. This fucking thing thinks it might be a scooter! So I text wife, who should be home in about a half hour, she can finally ride not with but along side me. As soon as I press send I light a smoke because I earned this one damn it!, and this little fucker that I'm certain has been sent here as some sort of punishment for good only knows what, sure off with out permission! lol I'm seriously ready to drill little holes in the caps that we do inconspicuously hiding the two adjustment screws on the carb. While I ponder the pros and cons of going invasively midievel on this fucker I notice a sticker on the air filter that recommends thoroughly cleaning and drying the filter at 1000 miles. I'm thinking there isn't even 1 mile on this guy but even though there are six screws, they are exposed so maybe I'll open it up and find out some idiot at the manufacture was tasked with installation of the filter but when he checked their inventory they were out of the ones that fit the bike and couldn't replenish their stock soon enough to make delivery on time so he hobbled his ass to the salvage yard and snatched one off one using the recommended or equivalent from a dead one that might have blessed it's lucky owner of 1000 miles.

After removing the cover I noticed a nasty but familiar smell. smelled just like my first lock up of a rear differential. Only slightly less burnt fishy but still almost certainly GEAR OIL??? Until I entered bogged down with oil in air filter and pressed search, my first thought was where does oil, regardless of weight, intersect any system close to what i assume is the filter for nothing but clean oxygen or maybe recycled exhaust via a charcoal filtration or anything like that and I cut myself off mid thought almost emberrased to hear myself concieve this quandry because i thought the answer to that absolutely nowhere... I must be so tired that I'm hallucinating. To my surprise, the YouTube search results presented a plethora of videos that recommend how to clean OIL from an air filter! I'm no expert but once you've been exposed to gear oil nothing else in any system, be it drive train, breaks, tranny, engine coolant, wiper fluid or any commonly monitor and compensated fluid comes close to that nasty fishy, once ya got it on ya gettin' it off ya gear lubricating miracle of a heavy ass oil 80/90 or whatever you know it as.

I haven't seen any reference to gear oil which I'm positive is what was in that compartment. Only what I'm assuming it's engine oil 5-10/20-40W. And even then the cause was an excess of oil like over filling for whatever reason. Both of my bikes were topped off with everything but gasoline. And it's engrained into reflex to check oil every time I remember especially when changing oil and oil filter and in this case assuming control and initial responsibility wether brand new or previously owned or even temporary responsibility as when being loaned someone else's vehicle regardless of duration. I checked the oil in both engines before I inserted the key into the ignition both were within recommended levels. So proper level eliminates possibility of excessive oil, even if I have mistaken the weight of the oil.
