This woman has the disease she fears #tvshow #shorts #chicagomed

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ALS: Lou Gehrig's Disease:
A nervous system disease that weakens muscles and impacts physical function.
In this disease, nerve cells break down, which reduces functionality in the muscles they supply. The cause is unknown.

The main symptom is muscle weakness.

Medication and therapy can slow ALS and reduce discomfort, but there's no cure.


My grandfather died of ALS when I was eight and my grandmother died two days ago after spending many years as a widow, and I hope they are together now


My dad has Bulbar ALS, he was diagnosed 3 years ago. It is a more aggressive form of the disease, starts with the facial muscles and works its way through the rest of the body. 4 years after the first symptom, and he’s fully paralyzed except for his eyes. He has a ventilator to breathe for him, a feeding tube and a kick ass tablet with infrared eye tracking technology. It allows him to control the tablet with his eyes; he uses it to communicate, take online writing classes, mentor other ALS patients, write a successful blog and currently is writing a horror book. He’s found peace with his life and we are trekking along side with him. It’s such an ugly disease, it takes and takes and takes… I hope and pray for a breakthrough in treatment and a cure. I love my dad, I hope nobody ever has to go through this again.


Sometimes, you can be so desperate for answers, you'll even accept the saddest answer.


That last part is so on point. Just finally having an answer. I hope everyone gets their answer. Just for peace of mind even if nothing can be done.


As someone with chronic illnesses and chronic pain I wholeheartedly felt that last part about being sad but relieved to finally have an answer. Doctors so often expect us with chronic problems to be happy when nothing comes back, but that doesn’t make our symptoms go away, it’s just telling us you can’t help us. A diagnosis, as heartbreaking as it can be, is absolutely a relief once you know what’s going on


My dad died from ALS when I was 11. But around when I was 8 is when he got it. It is a horrible disease that slowly kills a person. I saw my dad run and smile to laying in a hospital bed with no emotion. Please care for someone if they have it, it will destroy you.


Shes right its not a diagnosis anyone ever wants to get. But the relief from finally having an answer and knowing you aren't going insane is the best news you can get in awhile


My mother died of this, Progressive Bulbar Palsy, aka Bulbar ALS. From the first time people started noted her slurred speech, it was a year and a half before she died. Bulbar ALS moves rapidly compared to the more common form, and the emotional and mental changes can turn someone from a recognizable person to someone a kid sees not as a mother but a complete stranger, and an angry one.
I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. The first things effected in Bulbar ALS are typically the mouth and throat. Constant drooling. Slack facial muscles. You will never forget the look of someone with it.
I miss my mom, but she died well before her body did. Don't dismiss the signs.


Thats the only relief when your finally diagnosed your just so relived that you got diagnosed and that you dont have to keep worrying if your going crazy


RIP my grandma Nonie.. watching you suffer the way you did will never leave me. Its been 16 years and this scene just brought it all back. I pray that you found peace in heaven and you and grandpa are giving the angels a run for their money. Until its our time again ❤️


I know exactly what shes feeling. I did the same thing coming home from a doctors appt. 7 years with no answers and i finally got them. Broke down on the way home and sobbed for what felt like forever. But tears of relif because i finally knew what was wrong


My dad has limb onset ALS and it's been really hard for us. I'm glad to see some representation in a TV show, even if it's not the same type he has. This brings more awareness to it, and I hope that they find a more effective treatment before my dad is too fargone.


That last sentence hits close. I was going from doctor to doctor for over half a year with a looot of different symptoms, main ones being constant coughing, not being able to properly eat, and immense pain all over my upper body. I had cancer, and even tho it turned my life upside down it was also reliefing to finally have an answer and treatment. the diagnosis was a little over 3 years ago and I am finally close to my old normal self again. Still some work and progress to do, but I officially beat cancer in November and I am able to keep track of most mundane everyday tasks again


That last "at least I finally have an answer" hits really hard. Back in May 2024 I had a stroke (i'm 22 yo btw). Spent 3 days at the emergency room and since then I was tested for every possible cause. All the results came back healthy, but I kept taking preventive medication. In Febraury of this year one of my doctors told me they decided I didn't had a stroke, even though its clear in the resonance images, and that the hospital I first went to had mixed my results with another patient. As to my symptoms they just said it's stress. Then they told me to stop taking the preventive medication and I finally broke down crying right there at the hospital, because they have no idea what happened to me, and they have no way to prevent it from happening again. I really, REALLY, wanted any of the tests to have something that could explain what happened to me, that could be fixed so it doesnt ever happen to me again, but I'm back at ground zero, and I'm terrified


Im glad you ramped the music volume up, I almost heard what they were saying.


As a real doctor my first diagnosis would have been a pheochromocytoma


Yeah, the relief of knowing what you have🤯


My mother died from bulbar ALS last november, and I have no idea how they could have messed up representing this disease so bad.


My grandmother died from ALS . It was so sad to see her life change so dramatically from it.
