The TRUE Cost of Full Time RV Living (SURPRISINGLY CHEAP)

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Today we are breaking down the true cost of full time RV living. This will cover all RV expenses including fuel, propane and laundry. If you are looking at full time RV living, this will show you expenses from peak season all the way through winter RV living!


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00:00 Video Start
01:08 RV Costs Consideration
01:32 RV Costs Timeframe
02:19 RV Mileage Costs
03:11 RV Fuel Costs
04:40 RV Parks/Campground Costs
09:50 Food (One Year and Monthly Average)
10:25 RV Propane Cost (Winter Breakdown Included)
10:45 Winter RV Skirting Cost
12:03 RV Laundry Cost
12:49 RV Washer/Dryer - Are They REALLY cost-worthy?
14:14 How We Afford These RV Costs and Lifestyle


_A large influence on this series has come from content creators like Keep Your Daydream, and Changing Lanes. The style of this video is also similar to You, Me & the RV or Less Junk, More Journey in parts._

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_DISCLAIMER: HappilyEverHanks is a YouTube channel intended for entertainment purposes only. We are not RV or financial experts and these opinions are only intended to show what methods we use when it comes to RV Living. Do not use this information as professional advice.

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🔔 Consider subscribing to keep up with the Hanks:


🏡 Boondockers Welcome
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☃ DIY RV Skirting Blog Post!

Total RV expenses for the year = $22, 007.48


Congratulations on becoming “Debt Free”!!! You have a freedom that most people do not understand.


Another great video! You two never disappoint. I admire you for budgeting and getting rid of your debt. There are many people that could do that but they’re too worried about name brands and the appearance of being richer than they are. It’s rare to see young people that have the discipline it takes to do what you did. I’m 60 y/o and debt free also. It’s a wonderful feeling and I wish I had done it at your age. Well done!!


Great info, but I will say when we had to use a laundry mat all the time it was more like $15/week for 2 of us, not $15/month. For anyone crunching numbers, that might be a more realistic figure.


As a brand new person to the RV world this channel is helping me a lot with my worries. You two answer so many of my questions and you do it in a simple and straightforward way which I really appreciate.


Being debt free is really crucial in our humble opinions to make this work (and we are retired) but I think striving for simplicity and financial independence no matter your path in life is one of the pillars to being content. Thanks for sharing your particulars, I know you have helped and encouraged a lot of folks. BTW we just left Michigan (the UP and northern) where we did almost 2 weeks at various BW hosts and loved it. Wish our paths would close😉🙃 Dave and Lorrie


I think a washer and dryer is more of a convince, and not so much a return on investment. People pay $4000 to $6000 in residential units because of convenience, and don’t have the advantage of free water and electricity like we do. We, and when I say we, I mean my wife, loves our washer and dryer. Believe me, if you get one, you won’t regret it. Now that you’re staying in places a month at a time, does that mean there’s a chance you’ll come hang with us in Galveston this winter? Keep um coming!


Welcome to TN!!! We just bought our first camper debt free. We listened to Dave Ramsey early on in our 24-year marriage and lived like no one else so one day we can live like no one else. Looking forward to new adventures. Your advice is so helpful and a hoot to watch. Thanks.


Neyney "do you need back support?"😂 You two always find entertaining ways to share information!👍Your debt pay off was unreal, you two are just impressive!!


If you're ever assigned different schedules for your nursing travels...ask the company to pay for your car rental. 😉


Just discovered your channel and enjoy the content and presentation. We’ve rv’d for 45+ years but not full time. We were weekend warriors until I retired 2+ years ago. Owned my finance biz 35 years. As such I can tell you debt is a major issue for most. Regardless of income. Most will spend more than they make. They want that instant gratification. No accident, we prepped for this for 47 years. Kids grown & gone. We are now out for a couple of 2 week trips + a snowbird 6-8 week trip per year. We also are out 4-5 days about 6-8x a year as well. Our goal is being out at least once a month year round. Keeping our sticks & bricks. Keep up the good work. Best to both of y’all.


I'm in research mode for considering full time RV living, and I'm so glad ya'll broke this down the way you did, and talked about the winter season specifics.


sounds good guys but when it comes to the laundry I would look at a washer and dryer combo as a wise investment only because now days especially with front loader washers. they are famous for collecting bacteria and because of that I just dont feel safe using a washer and dryer everybody else has used because you can get bacterias in your laundry from those washers and even bed bugs are known to have survived the washer and dryers so it would be a NO for me to use everybodys


Maybe someone else asked… what about health care costs / medical or dental insurance? I am a nurse practitioner and many of my decisions in life have been based on needs like those. I so enjoy living vicariously through you two!


Oh how I wish we were as smart as you at that age! lol But here we are in our 50’s finally debt free and about to hit the road. Never to late! Thanks Hanks for your tips and tricks. Have not sold my husband on the foam board skirting idea yet though even though it would be so much cheaper!


Great information! We spend about $15 a week doing laundry depending on what each campground charges. Just curious as to how often you guys do laundry. I would really like to keep that cost down. This year we have been using Boondockers Welcome more too! We love it and, like you said, really keeps the cost down. Thanks for sharing! We love you guys! Hope you’re having fun at the rally!


We wintered in Florida last Jan-Feb-Mar. we spent $15/week on laundry!!


AWESOME!! Great video!! So glad you have been learning along the way... Yes... stay longer and save... but get out there and explore... good for you!! well done. ~ Brad and Diana


The reason National Parks and other campgrounds lower prices in the winter is that water or other services are shut down, reducing their maintenance cost. Typically you are not paying for garbage pickup, cleaning out fire pits, mowing, water pumping, septic pumping, etc. during the winter. We boondock on Forest Service land all the time for free, they call it "Dispersed Camping".


Great informative video. Every time my wife adds items to our trailer, she sees convenience i see all the hidden cost Like weight and fuel cost. Be industrious and frugal, and you will become rich. B Franklin.
