Keys to a Successful Engineering Career LESSON 17: Dealing with Difficult People

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There are probably more difficult people to work with in the engineering world than in the typical job. This video describes the importance of not getting sucked into silly fights and controversies, and the importance of choosing your battles carefully.

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I will never forget the experience I had with one guy that was seemingly on Adderall and probably suffered from bipolar disorder. He was the most sociopathic arrogant bastard I've ever met. He was tolerated simply because he worked at SpaceX and had the "necessary" experience to push the avionics forward. He wound up high tailing out of there when he didn't like the change in executive leadership that occurred. They basically got burned.


That's definitely true. Choose your battles.


Hello sir
I just wanted to tell that today I made my first robotic arm !!! It was not perfect but it was good for my 4th try .... I also made my own program for it . All thanks to you .


thanks for all your tips. I just got in a new mechanical engineering internship and you're tips have really helped me along.


These are just helpful life lessons at this point.


Hey Paul McWhorter.

The video prior to this one was about the importance of communication, I looked through your playlist and realized the series hasn’t actually been started. I’d be super excited if you could make a series on communication. You often time bring up introverts in your lesson videos and I think helping introverts learn to properly communicate would be a very good asset to this channel.

Thank you for reading 😁


Hello, I've been following your videos from when I started my final year towards my degree in electronics engineering and they have been truly inspirational, your videos on the raspberry Pi were very instrumental to my final year design project. I graduated this past September, I was wondering if you could advise me on whether starting a company right from College is a good idea or should i look at gaining experience from a job first rather than going full force straight into entrepreneurship?


Hi sir,
For womens' safety there are groups within the organisation to discuss their issues and their safety concerns but at times it may go too far and some ill-minded women may choose to put false allegations on their male colleagues for silly reasons(like not getting promotion, or something like that) and immediate action is taken on the accused male employee, until the case gets resolved(which may take several days) he would have lost the years worth of reputation and status that he had acquired and in some cases the evidence in support of the male employee would be destroyed by the woman employee and may end up in jail for several years for nothing. While protection of women is important but letting them misuse the laws need to be stopped. What according to you, sir, can be done to prevent such incidents from taking place or what should the innocent male employee do if he gets in trouble ?


If you get in a fight with a pig, you both are going to get dirty, but the pig is going to enjoy it. Oh boy, what a wise quote.
